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scene (CBD)

The scene represents a specific scene. The scene resource represents a specific 3D scene. The major component of a 3D scene is a 3D globe simulating the shape of the Earth. Information about the atmosphere, the camera, the fog, the 3D data layers, etc., is then displayed on the 3D globe to approximate the reality. The XML representation of this resource is the standard description of Scene generated from SuperMap Objects Java. The clients of 3D service can read this XML file for rendering a 3D scene. Implementing the GET request on the scene resource can retrieve the realspace representation, which displays the 3D scene at the client of a 3D service, showing a 3D globe with all the layers in the 3D scene added onto it.

Scene information:
  • Scene name:  CBD
  • Visible altitude of fog:  20000.0
  • Scale visile:  true
  • Max distance of camera:  47836027.5000000000000
  • Min distance of camera:  6367103.0000000000000

3D layers:
HTTP methods