Add image for the service through the add image collection.

About Image Service Architecture

The image service uses image collections to manage images. Multiple collections can be added to the service.

Image collection uses the mosaic dataset model to manage image metadata, and the corresponding mosaic dataset is created when the collection is created.

The collection mosaic dataset is stored in the image service's store datasource for image collection, which is specified when the service is created.

When publishing the image service, it is not included to set the image data content. After the service is created successfully, add the image through the "New Collection".

On the iServer service management page, images can only be added and deleted by adding and deleting image collection; adding and deleting a single image can only be implemented through the REST API interface.

Add Image Collection and Configuration Data

1. Enter the image service management page.

2. Click "New Collection" to enter the collection configuration page.

3. Configure Image Collection.

Configurable set information includes: basic info, image data, monitoring directory and automatic appending, image display style, and tile scheme.

Each parameter is described in turn below:

Configure Auto Append Image

Auto append can automatically append new images under the directory to image collection by configuring the monitoring directory. When the image service data update frequency is high, automatic append can be enabled.

Automatic appending must be configured when the collection is created (monitoring directory and interval time are required parameters). After the collection is created, Modify Configuration is not supported, and only on and off are supported.

Automatic append applies only to the datasource that stores the image collection for the service as a database. The datasource storing the image collection is configured when the service is created, and can also be modified by entering the "advance settings" on the "Provider" page; the original datasource content will be copied to the modified datasource.

1. Open "Enable Auto Append". After opening, the new image files under the monitoring directory will be automatically added to the collection.

2. Configure the monitored directory list, enter the path of the monitored image data directory, and click "Add".

The monitoring directory is usually the same as the image data directory, but other directories can be set. Multiple data directories can be added. Currently, only Local Directory can be monitored. For remote directories, they can be mounted as local directory.

3. Configure the interval.

The interval time indicates how often the automatic append image operation is triggered from the time point when the automatic append trigger is started. The interval time is also the frequency for the monitoring directory program to summarize the newly added Image Files, that is, to summarize the newly added images in the interval from the current automatic addition trigger time point to the last trigger time point.

Other configurations

Continue to configure the collection other parameters as needed:

Save the configuration

After the collection is configured, click the "Add" button, and the program saves the configuration and creates the Image Collection.

Continue with Add Image Collection

Continue to add image set as needed, click "New Collection" to complete the above configuration and add.

After image data is published quickly with the "New Collection", you can preview the image in the image collection list.


Add Image Data Mode and Corresponding Parameters

The following modes are supported when configuring the "Add Type" above. For the mode selection, please refer to Image adding modes of different storage media .

Select different "Add Type", and the parameters to be configured are different. The parameters corresponding to "ImageFoleder" have been introduced above, and the parameters corresponding to other modes are introduced below.


Manifest File Address: The full path of the .txt file where the video file Path is recorded.

The contents of the manifest file (.txt file) are a line of records corresponding to the full path of an image files. For the encoding of.txt files, UTF-8 must be "UTF-8 No BOM Format Encoding", and there are no other special requirements.

For images on different storage media, the image file path in the .txt file is written differently:

The efficiency of the collection using the manifest file add image is better than that of the image data directory; for the object storage, the image in the FTP server can only be added to the collection through the manifest file.


Image Files Address: Specify a full path of image files. Only local path and shared directory path are supported. Supported file types:.tif, .tiff, .ecw, .img.

Existing Dataset: