Add layer


After selecting the appropriate basemap, you can add layers. MapStudio supports adding SuerMap REST Services, OGC WMTS Services, and OGC WMS Services from the Web and iPortal as layers. It should be noted that the coordinate system of the added layer must be consistent with the coordinate system of the basemap.

Add from Data list

The steps to add data as a layer from the data list are as follows:

Method 1: Click 'Data' on the left side of the MapStudio page, select a piece of data in the displayed data list and drag it directly onto the map; or click the icon to add the data with one click.

Method 2:

  1.  Click 'Layer' on the left side of the MapStudio page, and click 'Add Layer';
  2.  Click 'Add from Data list', and the tab lists all the added data in MapStudio. Check one or more data, then click 'Add' to add the data on the map as layers.

Add from Resource Center

Support accessing to the Map Service, Data Service, Vector Tile Service, and Image Service in the Resource Center of the SuperMap iPortal as layers.

The specific steps are as follows:

  1.  Select 'Layer' in the left panel, and click 'Add Layer';
  2. The 'Resource Center' option is selected by default. Resource types include data and services, you can select one or more data or services you want to add. The data includes SuperMap iServer REST Data Service and structured data that has been registered with the resource center. According to resource permissions, data resources are classified into 'My Data', 'Public', 'shared with Me', 'My Organization' and 'My Group'. The Services include SuperMap iServer REST Service (Map Service and Vector Tile Service), SuperMap Image Service, OGC WMS and OGC WMTS Service that have been registered with the resource center. According to resource permissions, Service resources are classified into 'My Services', 'Public Services', 'Shared with me', 'My Organization' and 'My Group'.

a) Add OGC WMS Service: Select the target service, and the WMS map will be added to the map as a raster layer by default. If the map contains multiple layers, click 'Select Layer' in the pop-up window and select one or more layers to be added, click OK to complete the addition.

b) Add OGC WMTS Service: Select the target service, and click the showed 'Select layer', select the layer to be added and set the correct scale set, click OK to complete the addition.

  1. Click 'Add to map' in the lower right corner of the panel to complete the adding operation.

Add data

The administrator needs to configure the structured data storage to save the data before uploading.

Supported data formats: CSV, EXCEL, GeoJSON.

Supported coordinate systems: WGS 1984, WGS 1984 / Pseudo-Mercator, CGCS2000, Xian 1980, Beijing 1954.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Select 'Layer' in the left sidebar and click on 'Add Layer'.
  2. Select 'Upload', click on the dotted box to select the file to be uploaded, or just drag the file into the dotted box, then click on 'Next'.
  3. You can do such things as follows on the parameter settings page:

a) MapStudio will parse your data and show some of it on this page for preview, if there are any discrepancies in the parsing, you can change the field type in the header.

b) According to the data information, you can modify the separator, file encoding, and whether use the first line as the field name. The preview page will update instantly when modified.

c) The spatial information of the data will be used to add to the map, including the coordinate type, coordinate field, coordinate system, etc. Click 'Upload' when finished.

4.Wait for the upload to complete, Layer panel and Data panel will show the uploaded layer and corresponding data separately.

Add via URL

Support accessing to layers via the service address, including the REST Map Service and Vector Tile Service published in SuperMap iServer, OGC WMTS Service, OGC WMS Service, and Image Service.

The operation steps are as follows:

  1.  Select 'Layer' in the left panel, click 'Add layer', and select 'URL' tab;
  2. Select the service type, and then fill in the service address in the address input box, as follows:

               SuperMap REST Vector Tile service address: http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/{component}/restjsr/maps/{mapName}

               SuperMap REST Data Service address: http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/{dataProvider}/rest/data/datasources/{dataSourceName}

               SuperMap REST Image Service address: http:// <server>:<port>/iserver/services/imageservice-HaiNan/restjsr/collections/{collectionid}


                 Note: If you add a WMS Service from other platforms, the address must be able to correctly obtain the Capabilities document of the service.

                                                           https:// <server>:<port>/iserver/services/map-world/wmts-china

                 Note: If you add a WMTS Service from other platforms, ess must be able to correctly obtain the Capabilities document of the service, such as http(s)://<server>:<port>/wmts?SERVICE=WMTS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities。

  1. If the service is secured, you need to check the 'A token is required to access this service' and enter the access token;
  2. For the SuperMap REST Map Service, the layer will be added in the form of vector tiles by default. After adding, the layer style can be modified. If you do not need to modify the layer style, uncheck 'Add as vector tiles' and the map will be added as a raster layer. If the map contains multiple layers, you can check 'Select All' to add all layers, or you can check 'Select layer' and select one or more layers in the Sublayer list to add some of the layers. In addition, if the map service you access comes from map tile packages such as UGCV5, SMTiles, etc., you can only add layers in raster tiles; if you are adding vector tile services, you must add them in vector tiles.
  3. For the SuperMap REST Map Service, OGC WMS Service, OGC WMTS Service, you can check 'Relationship DataService' and input the URL in 'Relationship DataServiceURL', and the service you registered will be associated with the corresponding data service. After completing the association, you can view the attribute table of the service you registered in data list, and set the fields in layer's popup.
  4. Click the 'Add to map' button to complete the operation of adding a layer.

Change the layer dataset

Select the layer and in the right function panel, click 'attribute 'Tab >'Base dataset' drop-down list and select a dataset, the dataset in current layer will be replaced with he dataset you select. Different types of layers can be replaced with the corresponding type of datasets. Now, structured data and  REST data support the replacement of datasets.