Chart components


Chart components include histogram charts, bar charts, pie charts, gauges, scatter charts, line charts, radar charts, liquidfill, progress bars, progress rings, etc.; click on "Components" in the left sidebar, and click on "Charts", add the component you want to add to the dashboard by dragging and dropping:

Histogram charts

The histogram uses the height of the bars as a variable to indicate the data distribution. According to different styles, it can be divided into histograms, cube histograms, cuboid histograms, cylindrical histograms and other types.

The configuration items of the histogram are as follows:


  "data": {

    "2017": 13020,

    "2018": 19051,

    "2019": 13692,

    "2020": 19196,

    "2021": 12072,

    "2022": 16930



The configuration items unique to service type data are as follows:


Bar charts

The bar chart uses the length of the bar as a variable to indicate the data distribution. According to different styles, it can be divided into bar chart, ranking bar chart and other types.

The configuration items of the bar chart are as follows:


  "data": {

    "2017": 13020,

    "2018": 19051,

    "2019": 13692,

    "2020": 19196,

    "2021": 12072,

    "2022": 16930



The configuration items unique to service type data are as follows:

Pie charts

The pie chart can show the proportion of data by dividing the size of the circle or sector. According to different styles, it can be divided into ring chart, luminous ring chart, pie chart, Nightingale rose chart and other types.

The configuration items of the pie chart are as follows:


  "data": {

    "2017": 13020,

    "2018": 19051,

    "2019": 13692,

    "2020": 19196,

    "2021": 12072,

    "2022": 16930



The configuration items unique to service type data are as follows:


The gauge displays data in the form of a dial, which can visually display the progress of key data. According to different styles, it can be divided into gauge, mark gauge, luminous gauge, and spinning gauge.

The configuration items of the gauge are as follows:

Scatter chart

The scatter chart shows the distribution and correlation of data in the form of discrete points.

The configuration items of the scatter chart are as follows:


  "data": {

    "2017": 13020,

    "2018": 19051,

    "2019": 13692,

    "2020": 19196,

    "2021": 12072,

    "2022": 16930



The configuration items unique to service type data are as follows:

Line chart

The line chart displays the distribution and trend of data by connecting the data points with line segments.

The configuration items of the line chart are as follows:


  "data": {

    "2017": 13020,

    "2018": 19051,

    "2019": 13692,

    "2020": 19196,

    "2021": 12072,

    "2022": 16930



The configuration items unique to service type data are as follows:

Radar chart

The radar chart uses the angle axis and the polar axis to represent multivariate data.

The configuration items of the radar chart are as follows:


  "data": {

    "2017": 13020,

    "2018": 19051,

    "2019": 13692,

    "2020": 19196,

    "2021": 12072,

    "2022": 16930



The configuration items unique to service type data are as follows:


Liquid Fill chart

The liquid fill chart is usually used to represent data in percentage.

The configuration items of the liquid fill chart are as follows:



The progress bar component shows the progression of the completion of a task.

The configuration items of the progress bar chart are as follows:


Ring ProgressBar

The ring progress bar component shows the progression of the completion of a task in the form of a ring.

The configuration items of the ring progress bar chart are as follows: