Chart statistics


There are some chart components that support field statistics. That is to say group the attribute fields used in charts, and perform statistics on attribute values in each group in assigned statistical mode. You can perform statistics on multiple attribute fields in one chart.

After statistics, the chart component can be linked with the map component by interaction. That is to say, if you select a group in the chart, the elements in the group will be highlighted in the map.

The following chart components support statistics: histogram, bar, pie, scatter, line, radar, etc. The statistical modes include summation, maximum, minimum, average, mode, median, variance, standard deviation, etc.

Compile statistics in the chart component

To compile statistics in the chart component, click 'Components' > 'Chart' in the left sidebar, and drag a chart component that supports statistics to the dashboard, such as the bar component. Then select the component, perform the following settings in the right attribute panel:

  1. Select the data source of the chart and configure the attribute fields to be displayed in the chart. Histogram, bar, scatter and line charts support to configure attribute fields of X-axis and Y-axis. Pie and radar charts support to configure of category fields and value fields.
  2. Flip the 'Statistics' toggle to on and select statistics mode, It will group the X-axis field or data category field, and perform statistics on attribute value of the Y-axis field or value field.

Take the following chart as the data source of the bar component, and select 'Country' as X-axis field, select 'Boat num' as Y-axis field. Then perform statistics in 'Sum' statistic mode.

These operations aim to sum the number of boat for each country. The bar before statistics can be seen in Figure 1, and bar after statistics can be seen in Figure 2.

Table 1  Data source of the bar component

Country Area num Area name

Boat num



















Saint Petersburg




New York



Figure1:before statistics                                    Figure2:after statistics

Create interaction to link chart statistics and map

You can link chart statistics to maps if chart component and the map component contain the same data or the data between the components can be associated through a certain field. For example, select a group in the chart statistics, the elements in the group will be highlighted in the map. Follow these steps to create interaction to link chart statistics and map.

  1. Click 'Components' > 'Map' in the left sidebar, drag a map component to the dashboard, and then select the map source that contains the attribute field.
  2. Click 'Components' > 'Charts' in the left sidebar, drag a chart component to the dashboard, such as a bar component. Select the map layer in the previous step as the data source, and configure the attribute fields displayed in the chart.
  3. Flip the 'Statistics' toggle to on and select statistics mode, it will group the X-axis field or data category field, and perform statistics on attribute value of the Y-axis field or value field.
  4. Configure interaction for the chart component. In the right interactive panel of the chart component, add the trigger 'Record Selection' and select the map component in the above steps as the target, select 'Highlight elements' as the target operation, then click OK to finish.
  5. Select a group in the chart, and the elements in the group will be highlighted on the map.

Take the following chart as an example. Group the X-axis attribute 'Status' and perform  statistics on 'sum' statistic mode. The bar before statistics can be seen in Figure 3, and bar after chart statistics can be seen in Figure 4. Select a group in the bar, the elements in the group will be highlighted in the map.

Figure3: before statistics                                    Figure4: after statistics

Figure5: highlight elements in the group