Managing services


SuperMap iPortal provides administrators with the following service management functions:

Register services in batch

SuperMap iPortal supports batch registration of services from SuperMap iServer and supports automatic synchronization of services in the iServer (for example: iServer adds a new service, iPortal will automatically synchronize, the new service will be automatically registered to the portal; iServer Service removal, activation and deactivation, iPortal will automatically sync), the default update time is 60 minutes, you can also set the update time as needed. For more information, see: Service update time interval setting.

Service in SuperMap iServer for all versions (including the lowest version) supports bulk registration to the iPortal.

Log in to your portal, click Management> Resources Management, select "Register in batch" in the "Service" dropdown list then click "Add Directory Service Address" and perform the following steps to finish the registration process.

  1. Enter the directory service address

In the text box, enter the directory service address of the iServer service in the following format: http: //<server>:<port>/iserver/service, for example, ""

  1. Set sharing scope

You can share the registered services with all portal users (including anonymous users), specified departments, specified groups, specified users, or don't share with anyone, ie., just can be accessed by yourself. After the services have been successfully registered, you can also modify services sharing scope.

  1. Click the "OK" button to complete the bulk registration

All the public iServer services will be registered to iPortal.


In some cases, you may need to change the service address, for example, the IP of the iServer changed, or you may need to edit the service's metadata info, you should do the following:

  1. Edit the directory service address

On the "Register in Batch" page, click the "Edit " button on the directory service address item you want to modify, then type in the new address and click "OK" to save to take effect. All the existing registered services will update to the new service address. And if you don't need it anymore, check and delete or unregister it.

  1. Edit the service metadata information

The default public metadata content (eg, service provider) of the registered services can be edited in the smmd2007template.xml file (locates in [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF\iportal-all-*.jar\config\csw folder).

Review services

If you enable this function, the services that common users applied to register need to be reviewed first. Only the approved services can be added to Service Resource Center. By default, this function is disabled, which means all the services users registered will be added to Service Resource Center for searching and using. Note that only the users who have the privileges can view and use these services in Service Resource Center.

Enable/Disable Service Review

SuperMap iPortal 8C SP1 or later versions disable this function. The service audit function is not enabled by default. iPortal administrator, after logging in, click Manage > Resource Management > Service > Service Audit to enter the "Service Audit" page, click "Enable" button to enable the service audit function.

 Meanwhile, Portal administrators can enable or disable this function by modifying iportal.xml in [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF folder. For details,see: iPortal configuration file description.

Configure service attribute fields

If users in your organization modified the information of the reviewed services, for example, the name, description, but the description doesn't conform to your standard, you can control these modifications by configuring service property fields for your reviewing operations. You need to configure them in iportal.xml file. And the properties you can configure include name (fileName), description (description), thumbnail (thumbnail), tags (tags), reference system(refSysInfo), identifier(exDesc), scope(geoBndBox), provider(mdContact), custom preview URL(previewURL). For specific configuration, see: iPortal configuration file description.

Review services

After logging into the iPortal as an administrator, you can view the services to be reviewed in Pending Items on Management>Home page, or you can view them by entering Management>Resources Management>Service Review page. Then you can perform the following operations:

You can also click the name of the service to view the details of the service, and you can directly "pass", "reject" or "delete" the service at the bottom of the page.

The system will send a message to the service creator when the service is approved or rejected, and the service creator can view the message in "My Messages".

Manage services

Log in to your portal as an administrator, click Management >Resource Management, and select the "Service Management" option in the "Service" dropdown list. This page lists all the registered services, including single registration services, bulk registration services, and hosted services. If you open the review service function, only the approved services will be displayed on this page. On this page, you can view and edit the basic Infos of these services, control their enable and disable in your portal, and even delete these services. All these operations only affect your portal, it won't have any impact on the original services.

View basic service Infos

The Services Management list page shows the visibility of the service, the service name, whether it is a hosted service, the service address (if the service proxy is enabled, the proxy address will display), the service type, the service registrant, the service registration time, whether it is registered in batch.

Edit basic service Infos

Click one specified service, detailed info page will appear, click the "Edit Attributes" button at the right bottom page, you can replace the thumbnail and edit the basic service info and metadata info.

Note: Editing a service address only supports updating service addresses of the same type.

Rename service

You can rename a services name. Move the mouse to the target services name, click the button that appears, the services name will be in the editing state. After editing, click any blank position to exit the editing operation.

Modify the sharing scope of services

On the Services management page, check one or more services, and click the "Share" button to modify the sharing permissions of services in batches. The supported sharing scopes include:

If you have selected multiple services with the same authorized sharing scope, when you click "Share", you can view their current sharing scopes; if the sharing scopes are different, you cannot view them, but you can still authorize the selected services in bulk. After authorization, these services have the same sharing scope.

Enable/Disable/Delete/Search services

You can search, enable, disable or delete all services in your portal.

Set as featured services

On the Services management page, click the button in the "Set as Featured" column to mark the corresponding service as a Featured service. When displaying featured services in the Resource Center, it will carry the corresponding featured logos, so that portal members can quickly access the featured resources. Note: Service resources with private permissions can't be set as featured resources.

Set Update Time Interval for registered services

You can set the update time interval for registered services by editing the iportal.xml file in %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%/webapps/iportal/WEB-INF directory. For details, see the iPortal configuration file description.

