iPortal configuration file description
SuperMap iPortal's main configuration information is located in WEB-INF ([SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF) directory, for more information about catalog description please refer to The catalog description after installation.
iPortal Configuration File Introduction
iPortal Configuration files include two parts: configuration files of portal functions and basic configuration files the same as used by iServer (For information about basic configuration files, see: Introduction to iServer configuration files ).
The former files show as the following table:
Configuration files of portal functions
File Name |
Description |
iportal.xml |
The main configuration information of the iPortal, including the configuration of the database and portal functions. |
iportal-monitor.xml |
Node monitoring configuration information, including configuring the database for storing monitoring data, and the iServer node information. For details, see: Monitoring Configuration. |
Configuring the storage for uploaded data. Details, see: Hosted Data Storage Configuration. |
The sharing settings of the cache of the proxied service access permission. The cache is saved locally by default, no need to configure. When you are configuring high availability structure for iPortal, see: How to share the cache of the proxied service access permission. |
iPortal configuration file structure
The root node <IportalConfig> of iportal.xml currently contains:
Before starting SuperMap iPortal service, it is recommended that you read the following configuration file instructions carefully so that you can configure your product according to your business needs.
1. <dataSourceConnectionPoolInfo>
Used to set the SuperMap iPortal database connection pool, the default sql configuration is SQLite database. It's recommended to use the MySQL/Oracle/PostgreSQL database.
- <dbType>: database type, characters need to be capitalized, such as SQLITE, MYSQL, ORACLE, POSTGRESQL.
- <driverClass>: The full name of database-driven class.
- <jdbcUrl>: The driver url to 0connect to. For SQLite database path, if use relative path, it is relative to the iPortal home path; In addition, iPortal provides two language-version database file, iportal.db and iportal_en.db, you need to choose one according to the language of the contents of your portal. For MYSQL, the JDBC URL format is: jdbc: mysql: //[host: port]/[ database]? [parameter name 1]=[parameter value 1]&[parameter name 2]=[parameter value 2] .... The default port for MySQL: 3306, database is the database name, parameters are optional. Note that in xml configuration file, the "&" in the url need to be transformed into "&". While for Oracle, the JDBC URL format is: jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host:port]:[database]. The default port is 1521, and database refers to the name of the created database instance. For PostgreSQL, the JDBC URL is: jdbc:postgresql://[host:port]/[database]?[parameter name 1]=[value 1]&[parameter name 2]=[value 2]…. And the default port is 5432, database refers to the database name.
- <maxPoolSize>: The maximum number of active connections provided by the connection pool at the same time.
- <initialPoolSize>: The initialized connection pool size.
- <minPoolSize>: The number of minimum active connections provided by the connection pool at the same time.
- <maxIdleTime>: Maximum free time. If the connection is not been used over maxIdleTime seconds, it will be discarded. 0 means never discarded, the default value is 0.
- <maxWait>: The maximum milliseconds that database waits for when an exception occurs (when no connection is available).
- <username>: The username for SQLite can be empty. For MySQL, the initial administrator account is root. And a user who has the DBA authority is employed for the Oracle. While for PostgreSQL, the initial administrator account is postgres.
- <password>: The password for SQLite can be empty. While MySQL database does not have the initial password. For Oracle, it should use the password in the <username> configuration item. And for PostgreSQL, fill in the administrator password entered when the database is installed.
2. <uploadSetting>
- <userMaxCapacity>: The maximum data size limit that users can upload, unit:MB.
- <fileSuffixBlackList>: used to set the blacklist of data files to be uploaded. The data format types set in the blacklist mean the matched data files are not allowed to be uploaded. The suffixes of data files that are not allowed to be uploaded must be included in different <string> nodes.
3. <serviceSetting>
- <showOffline>: Whether to show the offline services in Service Resource Center, defaults to false, means only the available services are listed. Offline services mean the original services are paused, or stopped, or deleted.
4. <serviceCheckSetting>
Used to set how often to detect the status of the original services, which has been registered in iPortal. If there are services changed, for example, paused, or stopped, or deleted, iPortal will synchromize the state of these services. Unit is in minutes. If set to a value less than or equal to 0, the default value will be used. If you wish to not detect dynamic updates to the service, you need to set it to a larger value.
- <singleCheckInterval>: Automatic detecting time for single registered services, defaults to 30 minutes.
- <batchCheckInterval>: Automatic detecting time for batch registration services, defaults to 60 minutes.
5. <serviceAuditSetting> (Deprecated)
Used to set up service auditing. As of 11i(2023) SP1, this configuration item has expired. You can go to <reourceAuditSettings> for resource audit configuration.
- <allowServiceAudit>: used to set whether to open the service audit function, the default value: false, do not open the service audit function.
- <auditedAttributes>: used to set the service attributes that need to be re-audited after being modified. Deaults to all, that is, if normal users modified an audited service, even if only one attribute, this service needs to be audited by the administrator before the modification takes effect. When configuring the attributes to be audited, remember they should be separated by the English ", ", such as: resTitle, thumbnail. The service attributes include: name (resTitle), description (idAbs), thumbnail, tags, reference system (refSysInfo), identifier (exDesc), extent (geoBndBox), and provider (mdContact).
6. <registerSetting>
- <allowRegister>: Whether to enable the function of registering users. Defaults to true, ie., open the user registration function.
- <allowUserAudit>: Whether to enable the audit function for registered users. Defaults to false, ie., disable this function.
- <sendEmailNotification>: Whether to enable mail notification to send audited results to registered users. Defaults to false, ie., disable the mail notification function.
- <extendUserFields>: Used to configure extended informations when registering a user, such as: department, email. Each information should be contained in a <field> node. One <field> node consists of two subnodes:
- <name>: The extended field name for filling in when registering users. Currently supports Department, Email.
- <required>: Marks whether this field name is required. true means required, false indicates optional.
- <defaultRole>: Used to set the default role for the new registered user. Default value: PORTAL_USER. Currently supports PORTAL_USER or PORTAL_VIEWER roles.
- <allowDataCenterRole>: Whether to assign the DATA_CENTER role to the registered user. Default is true.
- <reservedUserNames>: Used to set the username blacklist. The names in the blacklist can't be used when adding/registering users. Multiple names should be separated with English comma, for example: user1,user2,user3
7. <loginSetting>
- <authenticationDelegation> : Unified login method related configuration.
- <enable> : Used to set whether the authentication delegation is enabled or not. Default value: false, you need to set this value to true when you want to use CAS (no built-in account) or Keycloak account login in iPortal, or use customized third-party login, when this configuration item is enabled, when iPortal uses third-party account login, each WebApps will adopt the unified login method with it.
- <iframeable>: if or not the login page will be displayed as an iframe. Default value: false, do not use iframe popup.
- <loginPopup>: set the window size of the iframe popup.
- <captchaConfig>: The login verification code configuration. (Expired, please refer to: Login verification code setting)
- <enable>: Whether to enable the function of login verification code. Default is false.
- <length>: The code length, which can be set to 4-6 digits. Default is 4.
- <expire>: The expiration time of the code in second. Default is 120.
8. <shareSetting>
- <allowListUsers>: Whether to list all the users when sharing resources with specified users. Default: false, all users won't be listed. Note: When set to true, listing all users in iPortal is incompatible with listing users by department, ie., if you allow all users to be listed when sharing to specified users, listing according to different departments is disabled.
- <scope>: Used to configure the sharing scope for the resources in iPortal.
- <toUser>: Whether to configure the function of sharing with specified users. Defaults to true.
- <toGroup>: Whether to configure the function of sharing with specified group. Defaults to true.
- <toDepartment>: Whether to configure the function of sharing with specified department. Defaults to false.
9. <mapsSetting>
Used to set up map auditing. As of 11i(2023) SP1, this configuration item has expired. You can go to <reourceAuditSettings> for resource audit configuration.
- <showBatchAddMaps>: Whether to display the Bulk Register Maps button on the Map Resource Center page. Default: true.
- <allowMapAudit>: Wwhether to open the map audit function, the default: false.
- <auditedAttributes>: used to set the map attributes that need to be re-audited after being modified. Deaults to all, that is, if normal users modified an audited map, even if only one attribute, this map needs to be audited by the administrator before the modification takes effect. When configuring the attributes to be audited, remember they should be separated by the English ", ", such as: title, description. The map attributes include: title, description, thumbnail, tags, central points and zoom level (geoAttr), and layers.
10. <serviceProxy>
Used to set whether the service registered in iPortal use a proxy. By default, the built-in service proxy is enabled.
If the service proxy is disabled, the following safety issue exists:
User A registered a service and shared it with user B, now user B can access the service information and knows the service address. Then user A wants to change the sharing scope to exclude user B. After user A modified the sharing settings of the service, now user B can not see the service in the shared service list, but he still can access the service because he has already known the service address.
While if the service proxy is enabled, only the registrant of the service and administrators can see the original service address, the other users who have access to the service can only see the proxied service address, thus the access control of the registration service is implemented at the portal level.
- <enable>: used to set whether to enable the service proxy, the default: true, i.e., the service proxy is enabled.
- <enableBuiltinProxy>: used to set whether to enable the built-in service proxy. Default is true. If you will use the independent service proxy, this value should be false.
- <port>: used to set the port number of the proxy service address, default: 8195. You can also customize the port number, as long as you ensure that the port number you set is not occupied.
- <httpConnPoolInfo>: The connection pool settings for the proxy service that are used to set the HttpClient connection pool inside the proxy service. Adjust the node under the various settings, so as to enhance the concurrent performance of the proxy service.
- <maxTotal>: used to set the maximum number of connections. The default value is: 100.
- <defaultMaxPerRoute>: For a routing address, set up maximum number of several connections. The default value is: 10.
- <connectionTimeout>: The timeout period for establishing a connection with the server when the proxy forwards a request, in ms. The default is 30000. You can set it according to the network environment.
- <socketTimeout>: The timeout period for reading data from the server when the proxy forwards a request, in ms. The default is 30000. You can set it according to the network environment.
- <enableAccessStatistics>: used to set whether to open the proxy service access statistics, the default: true.
- <cacheConfig>: used to set the proxy service cache. iPortal offers two types of caching methods: Ehcache caching and Redis caching. The system uses Ehcache cache by default, so you can use it without any configuration. The built-in service proxy supports Ehcache and Redis cache, while the independent service proxy only supports Redis cache.
- <enable>: used to set whether to enable the service proxy cache. The default value is true.
- <type>: used to set the cache type, the characters need capitalization, the default value: EHCACHE, meaning using Ehcache cache, you can also set to: REDIS, meaning using the Redis cache.
- <cacheServerConfig>: used to set configure cache server.
- <ehcacheConfigPath>: used to set the path of the Ehcache configuration file, which defaults to the iportal-ehache.xml configuration file of the Ehcache built into the iPortal system under the [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INFdirecotry. And you also can write your own independent cache configuration file.
The Redis cache configuration is provided by way of comments as follows:
- <nodes>: used to set the Redis server node. If Redis uses cluster, the nodes node supports to configure multiple " host:port" which need to be separated by "|".
- <timeout>: used to set Redis service connection timeout, in ms
- <password>: used to set the access password for the Redis service
- <maxTotal>: used to set the maximum number of the connections for Redis instances
- <maxIdle>: used to set the maximum number of idle Jedis instances of a Pool
- <maxWaitMillis>: used to set the maximum time to wait for available connection in ms, default: -1, meaning never expires
- <testOnBorrow>: used to determine wether to perform validate operation in advance when borrowing a Jedis instance, default is true, indicating that the borrowed Jedis instance is available.
- Among the type of registered services, SuperMap REST service, OGC service (WMS, WMTS, WFS, WCS, WPS), ArcGIS REST service support the service proxy, while the "other service" type does not support the service proxy.
- After you deactivate the proxy service, you need to restart the iPortal service before the settings take effect.
11. <customDirectorySetting>
Whether to enable the custom directory function. The resource types that support the custom directory function are: map (MAP), service (SERVICE), data (DATA), scene (SCENE), project (APP), insight (INSIGHTS). The default value is false, i.e., the custom directory is not displayed. You can enable the custom directory function for certain types of resources. For more information about custom directory configuration, see: Custom directory configuration.
12. <defaultInternetBuildinMapSetting> (Deprecated)
- <googleMapsAPIKey>: used to set the Google Maps JavaScript API Key, you need to apply one from Google Developers.
13. <httpHeaderSetting> (Deprecated)
Used to set up domains that allow access to iPortal resources. From iPortal 9D(2019) and later versions, this item doesn't work any longer. iPortal supports all cross-domain access by default. If you need to limit the domains that can be accessed, modify the default "*" (which means support for all domain access) of the cors.allowed.origins in the %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%\webapp\iportal\WEB-INF\web.xml file to the specified accessible domains. If you want to carry cookies during cross-domain access, you also need to set the value of cors.support.credentials to true.
- <accessControlAllowOrigins>: set the allowed fields to preferentially match these fields, and if do not match the settings using defaultAccessControlAllowOrigin.
- <defaultAccessControlAllowOrigin>:By default, all domains are allowed, you can configure specific domains.
14. <departmentSetting>
- <enable>:Whether to enable the organizational structure function. Defaults to false. If you want to manage resources by departments, we recommend you enable organizational configuration function.
- <orderBy>: Used to set the sort field for the department in the organization. Default: CREATETIME, sorted by department creation time. You can also set by NAME (by department name), ORDERNUM (sorted by the department number).
- <orderType>: Sort in ascending or descending order. Default: ASC, ie., sort in ascending order. DESC is for descending order.
15. <mapApps> (Deprecated)
Map App collection. Used to configure the Map App used in iPortal for making maps. Default value is mapViewer_v2, ie., using iPortal built-in V2 version (new version) DataViz APP.
16. <groupSetting>
Configure to show or hide the function of group-related information displayed on the "My application" and "My authorization" pages. Default: true.
Portal custom settings.
- <supportMultiLanguages>: Set multiple languages for the custom contents of iPortal, for example: custom directory. iPortal supports one language by default, but you can configure as follows to make your portal support multiple languages.
- <enable>: Whether to enable multi-language settings. Default: false. You need to set it to true to configure multi-languages.
- <languages>: Set the language to support, currently supports Chinese and English. Value range: zh, CN, en-US.
Used to set the maximum allowed vector features to be added on Map when making maps with DataViz. Defaults to 3000.
Cookie storage configuration of the logged-in user, used for session sharing between iPortal and proxy service. iPortal offers two types of caching methods: Ehcache caching and Redis caching. The system uses Ehcache cache by default, so you can use it without any configuration. The built-in service proxy supports Ehcache and Redis cache, while the independent service proxy only supports Redis cache.
- <type>: used to set the cache type, the characters need capitalization, the default value: EHCACHE, meaning using Ehcache cache, you can also set to: REDIS, meaning using the Redis cache.
- <cacheServerConfig>: used to set configure cache server.
- <ehcacheConfigPath>: : used to set the path of the Ehcache configuration file, which defaults to the iportal-ehache.xml configuration file of the Ehcache built into the iPortal system under the [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INFdirecotry. And you also can write your own independent cache configuration file.
The Redis cache configuration is provided by way of comments as follows:
- <nodes>: used to set the Redis server node. If Redis uses cluster, the nodes node supports to configure multiple " host:port" which need to be separated by "|".
- <timeout>: used to set Redis service connection timeout, in ms
- <password>: used to set the access password for the Redis service
- <maxTotal>: used to set the maximum number of the connections for Redis instances
- <maxIdle>: used to set the maximum number of idle Jedis instances of a Pool
- <maxWaitMillis>: used to set the maximum time to wait for available connection in ms, default: -1, meaning never expires
- <testOnBorrow>: used to determine wether to perform validate operation in advance when borrowing a Jedis instance, default is true, indicating that the borrowed Jedis instance is available. It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Used to set the usage rights of the WebApps built into iPortal.
- <editableAppsLimitToAdmin>: The WebApps only can be accessed by the administrator.
- <PortalAppType>: The WebApp name. Currently only supports to configure DATAVIZ, DATAINSIGHTS, MAPSTYLER, EARTH, MAPDASHBOARD and APPBUILDER.
- <newResourceDefaultPermission>: set the default sharing permission of the resources created by each WebApps.
- <portalAppType>: the name of the WebApp, currently supports the configuration of DATAVIZ, DATAINSIGHTS, MAPSTUDIO, EARTH, MAPDASHBOARD, NOTEBOOK.
- <permissionType>: the default sharing scope of the created resource, private by default, supports configuration as PUBLIC_EDIT (publicly editable), PUBLIC_VIEW (publicly viewable), PUBLIC_SEARCH (publicly retrievable)
Used to configure the SSF defense for getURLResource resource.
- <includes>: Regular expression rules for URLs that are allowed to be accessed.
- <excludes>: Regular expression rules for URLs that are denied to be accessed.
- <lanConfig>: Local area network (LAN) configuration item.
- <whiteList>: IP whitelist, that is, the list of allowed IPs.
- <blackList>: IP blacklist, that is, the list of denied IPs.
- <denyProxySameDomain>: Whether to deny access to the same domain name as the proxy host. The default is false, allowing access from the same domain name.
Used to set the global search function of iPortal.
- <enable>: Whether to enable the global search function. Default value: true.
- <reindexAllResources>: Whether to reindex existing iPortal resources. After the index is rebuilt, this value is automatically set to false.
- <startElasticSearch>: Whether to use iPortal's built-in Elasticsearch. Default value: true. If you want to use your own Elasticsearch server, set it to false
- <port>: The port of the built-in global search service. The default port number: 8192.
The https certificate trust setting of iPortal.
- <trustAllHttpsCertificates>: Whether to trust all https certificates. Default value: true, all certificates are trusted.
The quota setting of the Resource Key in iPortal.
- <allowQuotaAudit>: Set whether to enable quota review. The default value is false.
- <defaultMaxCount>: Set the default access quota of the key. The default value is 10000, you can modify it according to business needs.
- <defaultMaxCountType>: Set the time unit of the default access quota for the key. The default value is DAY, you can modify it to HOUR,DAY,MONTH,YEAR as needed.
iPortal server request timeout configuration.
- <defaultRequestConfig>: iPortal default timeout configuration for all requests.
- <connectTimeout>: timeout in ms, default value: 5000.
- <hostedServerRequestConfig>: timeout configuration for iPortal to send request to hosted server iServer when uploading data publishing service. If this item is not set, the default timeout configuration set in <defaultRequestConfig> will be used.
- <connectTimeout>: timeout in ms, default value: 10000.
- <datacatalogRequestConfig>: timeout configuration for iPortal to send request to iServer data catalog service. If this item is not set, the default timeout configuration set in <defaultRequestConfig> will be followed.
- <connectTimeout>: timeout, unit: ms, default value: 180000
- <searchRequestConfig>: timeout configuration for iPortal to send request to global search server ElasticSearch. If this item is not set, it will follow the default timeout configuration set in <defaultRequestConfig>.
- <connectTimeout>: timeout in ms, default value: 10000
- <dataScienceRequestConfig>: timeout configuration for iPortal to send request to iServer data science server. If this item is not set, the default timeout configuration set in <defaultRequestConfig> will be followed.
- <connectTimeout>: timeout in ms, default value: 10000
iPortal resource authorization settings.
- <authorizers>: Used to set the object responsible for approving resource authorization requests for the portal. Default: OWNER_ONLY, i.e. by default the resource authorization request is approved by the resource owner. You can also change the value to ADMIN_AND_OWNER, which means that both the administrator and the resource owner can approve resource authorization requests, and the administrator will receive all resource authorization requests from the portal.
- <searchUserSuggestionMode>: when sharing resources to users or adding group members, set the user name matching mode when searching for users, default value: PRECISE, precise mode, i.e., you need to enter the full content to match the search result. You can change the default value to FUZZY, which means you can enter keywords to match related search results.
iPortal Resource Quota setting.
- <resourceQuota>: Used to set the resource quota.
- <maxQuota>: Maximum number of quotas, unit: one, default value: -1, meaning that the quota is unlimited, you can configure it according to your business needs.
- <quotaType>: quota type, currently support: PUBLISHED_SERVICE (the number of services can be published)
Note: If more than one quota is set for the same quota item, the first quota takes precedence.
Resource audit related configuration.
- <resourceType>: Used to set which type of resources need to be audited. Currently support configure map (MAP), service (SERVICE), scene (SCENE), data (DATA), insight (INSIGHTS_WORKSPACE), dashboard (MAP_DASHBOARD), project (APP).
- <enableAudit>: used to set whether to enable resource audit function, default value: false, do not enable resource audit function.
- <auditedAttributes>: used to set which type of resource attribute fields need to be re-audited by the administrator after they are modified, default value: all, which type of resource all attribute fields need to be re-audited, i.e., if an ordinary user modifies an audited resource, even if he modifies any of the attribute fields, the administrator needs to re-audit. Of course, the administrator can configure which type of resource attribute fields need to be re-audited after modification, separated by English “,”, such as: resTitle, thumbnail.
The following table shows the configurable attribute fields that need to be reviewed after modification for each type of resource:
audit resource type |
configurable attribute fields to audit after modification |
map |
all(all), title(title), description (description), thumbnail (thumbnail), tags (tags) |
All (all), name (fileName), description (description), thumbnail (thumbnail), tags (tags), reference system(refSysInfo), identifier(exDesc), scope(geoBndBox), provider(mdContact), custom preview URL(previewURL) |
All (all), name (fileName), description (description), thumbnail (thumbnail), tags (tags) |
All (all), name (fileName), description (description), thumbnail (thumbnail), tags (tags), data range (bounds), coordinate system (epsgCode), map preview URL (previewURL), data providers (providers) |
All (all), name (fileName), description (description), thumbnail (thumbnail), tags (tags) |
All (all), name (fileName), description (description), thumbnail (thumbnail), tags (tags) |
All (all), name (fileName), description (description), thumbnail (thumbnail), tags (tags), connection information(contactInfo), project picture(detailImages), project type(type) |
Configuration related to registering database connection information for storing encryption keys.
- <startServer>: user set whether jdbc-data-server should be started or not, if connecting to standalone deployed jdbc-data-server, then this item is set to false.
- <serverRootUrl>: Used to set the root address to connect to the jdbc-data-server.
- <secretKey>: set the key.
The default key plaintext for iPortal product packages is supermap.
- If you use a customized key, you can apply the key encrypted by the StringEncryptionCLI script in the %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%/bin directory, please refer to: Configuration of encryption of sensitive information. Then add the secretKey entry to the IportalConfig/modulesConfig/jdbcDataServerConfig node in the iportal.xml configuration file under the iportal.xml folder in the SuperMap iPortal installation directory \webapps\iportal\WEB-INF, and set its value to the secret text you just generated.
- If the database has been registered in iportal when updating the key (i.e. data of type mysql/postgresql/postgis exists in the data of iportal), then you need to upgrade the original database, the upgrade script is %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%/bin/ updateJdbcDataServerSecretKey , change NEW_SECRETKEY in the script to the encrypted key, and OLD_SECRETKEY to the encrypted old key (the default key is supermap), then execute the following in the bin directory updateJdbcDataServerSecretKey script in the bin directory to complete the upgrade.
- If a custom key is used and the keyStore of StringEncryptionCLI is modified, you need to re-encrypt the plaintext of the custom key using StringEncryptionCLI and change the value of the secretKey in the iportal.xml configuration file IportalConfig/modulesConfig/ jdbcDataServerConfig/secretKey to this value, without upgrading the stored connection information.
Server and Monitor Configuration Files
Server and monitoring configuration file iportal-monitor with root node <monitor>. The <monitor> node mainly contains the following:
Set the database connection pool used to store the monitoring data of iPortal server, the default configuration is SQLite database, it is recommended that you choose MySQL database:
- <dbType>: database type, characters need to be capitalized, such as SQLITE, MYSQL.
- <driverClass>: full name of the database driver class.
- <jdbcUrl>: the URL to connect to the driver, depending on the database, the JDBC URL is different:
- SQLite: The file path of the database, or relative to the iPortal HOME if you use a relative path.
- MySQL: The JDBC URL format is: jdbc:mysql://[host:port]/[database]? [parameter1]=[parameter1]&[parameter2]=[parameter2].... Where MySQL's default port is 3306, database is the database name, and the parameters are optional. Note that in the xml configuration file, the & symbol in the url needs to be escaped as &.
- <maxPoolSize>: the maximum number of active connections that the connection pool can provide at one time.
- <initialPoolSize>: initialize the pool size.
- <minPoolSize>: the minimum number of active connections provided by the connection pool at the same time.
- <maxIdleTime>: Maximum idle time, if the connection is not used within maxIdleTime seconds, the connection will be dropped. If it is 0, then the connection will never be dropped, default value: 0.
- <maxWait>: the maximum number of milliseconds the database waits when an exception occurs (when there are no available connections).
- <username>: user name of the database.
- <password>: password for the database.
If you have added a cloud-native environment iServer server in iPortal for publishing services, you can manually add a <cloudNodeSelectStrategies> node to the iportal-monitor to set the microservice node strategies, where each < cloudNodeSelectStrategy> element is used to configure a specific microservice node strategy and contains the following attributes:
- <max>: maximum number of microservice nodes allowed to be created