OpenGauss database configuration |
OpenGauss is an open source relational database management system with enterprise-class features such as multi-core high performance, full-link security, and intelligent operations and maintenance. iPortal supports using the OpenGauss database for storing portal data, and supports versions 3.0.3 and above.
Please refer to the official help documentation to install the Gauss database. After the installation is complete, perform database configuration. First create tablespaces, then create users and associate them with tablespaces, and then start OpenGauss installation and configuration after authorizing the created users.
The database configuration of the iPortal portal data store is recommended to be configured before iPortal starts (before creating the initialized administrator account), and the configuration information is in the iportal.xml configuration file under the installation directory (%SuperMap iPortal_HOME%\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF). For more information, see: iPortal configuration file description. When using OpenGauss database, you only need to comment out or delete the default SQLite database connection pooling configuration information, and remove the comment symbols of the following OpenGauss database connection pooling configuration information, as shown in the following example configuration:
<dbType>POSTGRESQL </dbType>
If you connect to Gauss, the error is as follows: terminating connection due to adminstrator command, the reason is that Gauss has session timeout by default, if you want the session to be maintained, you need to modify the configuration item:
First query
SELECT * FROM pg_settings;
If session_timeout is not 0, it reports an error as above after a period of time, modify the configuration item:
ALTER DATABASE postgres SET session_timeout TO 0;
If you don't have permission to execute it in navicat, you can modify it by connecting directly to Gauss in the virtual machine.
su omm
source ${BIGDATA_HOME}/mppdb/.mppdbgs_profile
gsql -d postgres -p 25308
Error when inserting data: concurrent upadte under Stream mode is not yet supported
Check the official documentation, first check the configuration:
If the configuration item is off, change it to on
ALTER DATABASE postgres SET enable_stream_concurrent_update TO on;