Security information storage


The SuperMap GIS server defaults to store the user information in the SQLite database. And storing to MySQL/Oracle databases, as well as other custom storage locations are also supported.

Administrator can set the storage location for the security information on the Security Configuration page. Specifically, the administrators can:

SuperMap GIS servers defaults to store the security information and service information in the SQLite database. Take iServer as an example, the storage path is [SuperMap iServer installation directory] \webapps\iserver\WEB-INF, and the storage files are iserver-security.db and iserver-services.db.

You can modify the location and name of the SQLite database as needed. For example: Change the security information storage location to ./WEB-INF/iserver-security2016, after clicking the "switch" button, iServer will automatically copy the administrator information (the administrator account created when starting iServer the first time) to [SuperMap iServer installation directory] \webapps\iserver\WEB-INF\ iserver-security2016.db, which will be also used to store the new security information.

Set the configuration items as below. If you have not yet got an available MySQL service, install and configure it first. Please refer to the specific method: MySQL installation and configuration.

Set the configuration items as below. If you have not yet got an available Oracle service, install and configure it first.  Please refer to the specific method: Oracle installation and configuration.

Set the configuration items as below. If you have not yet got an available PostgreSQL service, install and configure it first.  Please refer to the specific method: PostgreSQL installation and configuration.

After configure the type of database type you've chosen, click the "switch" button, the administrator information (the administrator account created when starting iServer the first time) will be automatically copied to the configured database and the following security information will be also stored with the new configured database.

In addition, if you want to switch back to the local SQLite database, directly select the storage type as  the "SQLite" database.

If the above storage methods can not meet the demand, you can customize the storage way of user information based on the SecurityInfoStorage interface. For more information about the extension method, please refer to: The storage method for the extended user information.