Getting Token


When users access the protected iServer services, each request related with the services resources should carry a valid Token. Users can apply Token from iServer by the following steps.

  1. Enter service list page (http://SuperMapiServer:8090/iserver/services), click Login, after logging in, click Token option in username's dropdown list. It will jumpt to http://SuperMapiServer:8090/iserver/services/security/tokens (Access local service).
  2. Input related parameters and click Create Token to get Token:

  User Name: account registered and has the permission to access services.

  Password: user password.

  Grant Token Method: include the following 4 types

  Validity: the Token is valid during the duration time from Token issued time. Token with shorter validity is safer, because a malicious user intercepted Token can be used only within a short period of time. However, short validity means that the application needs to request new Token more frequently.


Users can apply Token by many presentation formats, see REST API.