Map cache


Map cache is pre-tiling and pre-storing the map data/image with the specified way when browsing, querying, editing and analyzing the map services, so that the server doesn't need to regenerate the same result again when it receives the same request later, thereby improving the data access efficiency. In traditional GIS map service, map cache provides the cached map tiles based on the stand-alone. However, for massive geographic data, stand-alone map service obviously can not meet online access concurrency requirements. So using cluster system with the precached map tiles in different scales is the basic method to improve map access efficiency. Howerver, the use of map caching technology as a commonly used way to improve the efficiency of online map access, its production and synchronization within the system itself is very time-consuming and error-prone.

So SuperMap iServer proposes a multi-machine parallel tiling technology based on distributed storage, which takes advantage of the cloud platform to improve the tiling efficiency and stability for the massive map data.

Production and usage of map tiles provides how to configure the cached tiles.  And Distributed Map Tiling service can help you further improve the tiling efficiency for the time-consuming tiling tasks.

All the tiles, except UGCV5 format, generated by Distributed Tiling service can be automatically used by map services. You don't need to do additional configurations. For UGCV5 format tiles, you can manually Configure map provider to use it. If you modified the default settings when tiling, such as the default storage path, or other settings, you need to prefer to Configure to use the cached tiles.

Furthermore, you can Publish map tiles directly to map services, and you also can distribute the cached tile data files and tile set to share them offline.

And if there is a need to update the map tiles because of the change of its data, you can refer to: How to update tiles.