Creating caching task - 3D tiles
Distributed Map Tiling module of iServer supports to partition the image and terrain data of 3D scene in a 3D service into tiles, and store them in MongoDB. The process of distributed tile function are almost the same as how to partition 2D tiles, except some little differences in the specific parameter configuration.
Visit WebManager of the main node, click Clusters>Distributed Tiles>Create tiling task, set the service component, 3D scene, layer, tile type, storage type, cache scale and so on.
Basic setting
- Service component: All the service component published by the server are displayed in the service component list. Please select a 3D component which is need to cache.
- Scene: All the scene contained in the current service component. Please select a 3D scene which is need to cache.
- Layer: All 3D image, 3D terrain layer in the current scene. Please select a layer which is need to cache.
- Tile type: tile type corresponds with the selected layer, such as tile type corresponds the image layer is 3D image.
- Storage type: the storage type, of the appointed tile to generate, only 3D tile stored by MongoDB is supported for now.
- Storage ID: distributed storage location identification, you should select the ID of the already existed MongoDB distributed tile base, if you have not created the storage location, please add: Distributed tiles library.
- Scale scheme: to ensure the tile scale level, the optional scheme are:
- Tiandi map, the scale scheme of the tiandi map, please refer to table1 for details.2-18 levels scales are used in the tiandi map website by default. You could select by your need.
- Recommended scale, the scale plan recommended by system.
- Customized scale, you could input the scale by demand manually.
- Cache scale: existed scales. You could input the scale denominator in the textbox, then click add scale denominator to add to the scale list. You can also remove the scales you no longer need.
Advanced setting
- Cache range: the geographic extent you want to cache. Format: -180, -90, 180, 90. It uses the full range of the current layer by default.
- Tile original point: the base point which is used when the system compute the tile row/column numbers. It uses the top-left corner of the cache range by default.
- Image format: when the tile type is 3D image tile, the supported tile formats are PNG、JPG、GIF、DXTZ. DXTZ format is a compression format for DDS (irectDraw Surface,DirectX texture compact format). Using DXTZ can dramatically reduce the consumption of memory. When it's a 3D terrain type, it stores as bil grid data file format by default.
In addition, the default tile size is 256*256.
Newly added tile version and appending tile
After setting the parameter above, click Create tile task to start cache.
If the above storage location has existed 3D tiles of the same layer, the new task will append new tiles and overwrite old tiles.