Modules of each layer


SuperMap iServer defines a general framework of GIS services, that is, three-layer structure. In this three-layer structure, SuperMap iServer separately offers some default modules, for example, the UCGMapProvider in Provider layer of which the GIS functions are implemented by using UGC core, the Map module in Component layer which encapsulates basic map functions. The table below lists all the modules in each layer, users can simply configure these modules to publish GIS services to meet various demands.

Architecture    Module Type Module Name Features
Provider layer MapProvider UGCMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using SuperMap workspace data.
RestMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using online iServer REST Map service.
CloudMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using SuperMap Cloud service.
FastDFSTileProvider Implements basic map operations by using FastDFS tiles.
GDPMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using GDP (*.zip) tiles.
MongoDBTileProvider Implements basic map operations by using MongoDB tiles.
SMTilesMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using SMTiles or MBTiles.
SVTilesMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using SVTiles.
UGCV5TileProvider Implements basic map operations by using UGC V5 tiles.
WMSMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using third-party WMS service.
WMTSMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using third-party WMTS service.
BingMapsMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using Bing Maps service.
TiandituMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using Tianditu service.
ArcGISRestMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using ArcGIS REST Map service.
tpkMapProvider Implements basic map operations using tiles of ArcGIS TPK (*.tpk).
BaiduMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using Baidu Map service.
OpenStreetMapProvider Implements basic map operations by using OpenStreet Map service.
AggregationMapProvider Implements basic map operations by aggregating map services from multiple sources.
GeoPackageMapProvider Implements basic map operationsby using GeoPackage tiles.
DataProvider UGCDataProvider Implements data management related functions by using SuperMap workspace data.
WFSDataProvider Implements data management related functions by using third-party WFS service.
RestDataProvider Implements data management related functions by using REST Data service.
AggregationDataProvider Implements data management related functions by aggregating map services from multiple sources.
GeoPackageDataProvider Implements data management related functions by using GeoPackage data.
TransportationAnalystProvider UGCTransportationAnalystProvider Implements transportation network analysis by using SuperMap workspace data.
RestTransportationAnalystProvider Implements transportation network analysis by using REST TransportationAnalyst service.


Implements transportation network analysis by using ArcGIS REST TransportationAnalyst service.
SpatialAnalystProvider UGCSpatialAnalystProvider Implements spatial analysis by using SuperMap workspace data.
RestSpatialAnalystProvider Implements spatial analysis by using REST SpatialAnalyst service.
TrafficTransferAnalystProvider UGCTrafficTransferAnalystProvider Implements traffic transfer analysis by using SuperMap workspace data.
RestTrafficTransferAnalystProvider Implements traffic transfer analysis by using REST TrafficTransferAnalyst service.
RealspaceProvider UGCRealspaceProvider Implements 3D related functions by using SuperMap workspace data.
RestRealspaceProvider Implements 3D related functions by using REST Realspace service.
MongoDBRealspaceProvider Implements 3D related functions by using MongDB tiles.
NetworkAnalyst3DProvider UGCNetworkAnalyst3DProvider Implements 3D network analysis related functions by using SuperMap workspace data.
DSSProvider (Domain Spatial Service Provider) Used to customize a DSSProvider to implement spatial processing features on special services.
PlotProvider UGCPlotProvider Implements plotting functions by using Plot library files.
Component layer Map   MapImpl Encapsulates Provider modules of MapProvider type
Data   DataImpl Encapsulates Provider modules of DataProvider type
TransportationAnalyst TransportationAnalystImpl Encapsulates Provider modules of TransportationAnalystProvider type
SpatialAnalyst SpatialAnalystImpl Encapsulates Provider modules of SpatialAnalystProvider type
TrafficTransferAnalyst TrafficTransferAnalyst Encapsulates Provider modules of TrafficTransferAnalystProvider type
3D   RealspaceImpl Encapsulates Provider modules of RealspaceProvider type
NetworkAnalyst3D NetworkAnalyst3DImpl Encapsulates Provider modules of FacilityAnalyst3DProvider type
DSSComponent (Domain Spatial Service Component) User-defined modules used to custom DSSComponent. This component can:
  1. Capsulate any modules in Provider layer;
  2. Be used to implement spatial processing for special businesses.
Plot   PlotImpl Encapsulates Provider modules of PlotProvider type.
Interface layer RestServlet Publishes services with REST style by using components except the SpatialAnalyst component. (Restlet mechanism).
JaxrsServletForJersey Publishes services with REST style by using the SpatialAnalyst component. (JAX-RS mechanism)
AGSRestServlet1 Publishes map service components as  ArcGIS REST service.
BaiduRestServlet1  Publishes map service components as  Baidu REST service.
GoogleRestServlet1 Publishes map service components as  Google REST service.
OSMRestServlet1 Publishes map service components as  OSM REST service.
TMSRestServlet1 Publishes map service components as  TMS REST service.
WMSSerlvet   Publishes map service components as  WMS  service.

Publishes map service components as WMTS  service.

WFSServlet Publishes map service components as  WFS service.
WCSServlet Publishes map service components as  WCS  service.
WPSServlet Publishes map service components as  WPS service.
HandlerServlet Publishes components except 3D by using Handler interface to be compatible with SuperMap iServer 2008, namely, the services published by using this interface follows the standard published with iServer 2008.
DSSServlet Implements service publishing mechanism in fixed form. This is a user-defined module. The Servlet/Interface can:
  1. Implement the service style required by the system like WPS that isn't provided by SuperMap iServer;
  2. Implement services that meet system requirements.

Note1: Only iServer Advanced Edition and iEdge offer this interface.

Different modules mentioned above have their own features, so modules with the same features on one layer should be encapsulated together for building GIS services. Two modules with different service features cannot be encapsulated together. For example, UGCMapProvider with map service features can be called by MapComponent but cannot be called by DataComponent.