Publishing Data Catalog Service
SuperMap iServer supports publishing the data catalog service to REST map services, REST data services, and REST spatial analytics services. And supports storing the generated map tile in the process of the map outputting to the local disk.
You can quickly publish data catalog service by these following steps:
- Click Quickly publish a or multiple service button, select the data source to Data Catalog Service, click Next;
- Input the data address of the data catalog service, format as: :http://{ip}:{port}/iserver/services/datacatalog/rest/datacatalog/relationship/datas/{dataId}
- Select the service type to be published, like REST-map service, click Next;
- Then you can see the service configuration information including data source, service type, etc. Click Finish to complete it;
- After publishing, you can see the service name and URL, like map-supermap_pg/rest. Click it to access the service.