In SuperMap iServer, quickly publish SuperMap File Workspace (*.sxwu, *.smwu) as There are two ways of GIS service:
- Click "Quick Publishing" on the "Home Page" of Service Management to enter the publishing wizard
- On the Service-Service Management page, click Quick Create service "to enter the publishing wizard
The iServer Standard Version, Advanced Version, and Top-level Edition also support publishing a DSF distributed Datasource in a File Works pace as a Data Service.
(1) Select the release data source
Select Data source as "File Workspace" and click the button "Next".
(2) Configuration data
Select or enter the File Workspace to use. Support the publishing of Workspace on the iServer server, and also support the uploading of Local Data. When uploading Local Data, please select the target directory first and then click the "Upload Data" button to upload the Local Data to the server and decompress it automatically. Uploads are currently supported .zip format compressed package.
After selecting the Workspace file, if the Workspace is encrypted, enter the Workspace password. If it is not encrypted, click the "Next" button directly.
- In multi-process mode, you can enable multiple instances and set the Instance Number in this step. Based on the settings, service instances will be deployed in the corresponding number of Worker. When not enabled, it is published as a single instance, that is, the service instance is deployed in only one Worker. For details, please refer to Configuring to Use Multi-Service Instance
(3) Select Server Type
Select the service interface type and click Next.
File Workspace can support publishing as: REST-Map Service, REST-Data Service, REST-3D Service, REST-Spatial Analyst Service, REST-3D Network Analysis Service, REST-Transportation Analyst Service, REST-Transportation Transfer Service, REST-Address Matching Service, REST-Vector Tile Server、WMS1.1.1 Service, WMS1.3.0 Service, WMTS 1.0.0 Service, WMTS-CHINA Service, WFS 1.0.0 Service, WFS 2.0.0 Service, WCS 1.1.1 Service, WCS 1.1.2 Service, WPS 1.0.0 Service, OGC API Map Service, OGC APIData Service, ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS REST Feature Service, ArcGIS REST Network Analysis services, Baidu REST Map Service, Google REST Map Service, REST-Knowledge Graph Service.
SuperMap iServer will analyze and judge the Workspace you select and give the Server Type options that can be published.
(4) Configuration services
Select or fill in the corresponding service configuration, and click Publish to publish the service.
- When the selected Server Type is Map Server Type, such as REST-Map Service, WMS1.1.1 Service, WMS1.3.0 Service, WMTS 1.0.0 For service, OGC API Map Service, ArcGIS REST Map Service, Baidu REST Map Service and Google REST Map Service, the service configuration items are:
- Whether to Allow Editing. The default is not editable.
- DPI settings. The default value is 96 and the DPI can be set as low as 60.
- When the selected Server Type is Data Server Type, such as REST-Data Service, WFS1.0.0 Service, WFS2.0.0 Service, WCS1.1.1 For service, WCS1.1.2 service, OGC API Data Service, and ArcGIS REST Feature Service, the service configuration items are:
- Whether to Allow Editing. The default is not editable. When Allow Editing is selected, delayed submission is enabled. When the delayed submission is enabled, the system will delay the submission of Edit Data operation according to the settings.
- Select the published Dataset, which is not enabled by default. Publish the All Data set when not enabled, and publish the selected Dataset when enabled. For Parameter Description, please refer to: Local Data Service Provider . The editability of the Data Service can be controlled through the configuration of the service component after the publication is completed.
- When the selected Server Type is REST-Transportation Analyst Service, REST-3D Network Analysis Service, Parameters configuration needs to be supplemented when the service is ArcGIS REST Network Analysis. For Parameter Description, please refer to Local Transportation Analyst Service Provider .
- When the selected Server Type is REST- traffic transfer service, the Parameters configuration needs to be supplemented. For Parameter Description, please refer to Local Traffic Transfer Analysis Service Provider .
- When the selected Server Type is REST-Address Matching Service, the Parameters configuration needs to be supplemented. For Parameter Description, please refer to Address Matching Service Provider .
- When the selected Server Type is REST-3D Service, REST- Spatial Analyst Service, REST- Vector Tile Server, WMTS-CHINA Service, WPS1.0.0 Service, REST-Knowledge Graph service, no need to configure, just "publish" .
- When the selected Server Type is REST- Video Streaming Service, you need to configure the specified video streaming service name.
1. If the Workspace with the published element as the label is the Map Service, the label library containing the label needs to be published as the Dynamic Plotting service before the Map Service can plot normally.
2.To publish a Workspace as a REST-Knowledge Graph service, the Workspace needs to include Graph Database Connection information, etc.
3. When the Map Coordinate System is a Planar Coordinate System or user-defined coordinate system, publishing as is not supported. REST-Vector Tile Server。
4. To publish a Workspace as a REST-streaming video service, the Workspace contains a Video Dataset that is Local Video Import File iDesktopX and aligned. It is also recommended to select REST-Data Service for publishing.
(5) Release
When the publication is completed, the status of each service publication and the service access address link will be given. Click "Return to Service Management Page" to return to the service management page to view and manage the service.