Publishing WMS Service


SuperMap iServer supports making remote standard WMs service the data source and publishing it as local map service, such as WMS service, WMTS service, REST map service. It also supports caching map tile of image output procedure in local.

You can quickly publish WMS service by the following steps:

  1. In service management "home" clicks quickly publishing a or a group of service, chooses data source as" WMS service",clicks "Next".
  2. Inputs data source service address, such as:http://server:7070/geoserver/wms,if the entered service is not public, needs to type in username/password with access authority, clicks "Next";
  3. Chooses the service type to be published, such as REST-map service, clicks "Next".
  4. Configures cache, after enables cache, the tile data generated when browsing map will be stored in specific position, such as SMTiles format, see other configuration details of cache:Configures map service component by using tile or through XML file,clicks "Next";
  5. Can see service configuration information, including data source,service type to be published, clicks" finish" to finish the publishing procedure.
  6. After published, can see the current service name and link, such as map-wms/rest, can access service by clicking.