Publish Local 3D Cache


SuperMap iServer supports directly publishing S3M tile, OSGB model tile, terrain tile (CF, terrainz), and image tile (WebP, JPG, PNG) as data sources to 3D service.

You can publish 3D tiles that already exist in the service by following these steps:

  1. Click "Publish Service" on the "Home" or click "Quickly Publish Service" on the "Services-Service Management" page to enter the publishing wizard;
  2. The select data source is "local 3D cache" and click "Next";
  3. Click the "Select" button to select the S3M tile, terrain tile, image tile and OSGB to be published in the interface index file of model tile, with suffixes of *.scv, *.sct, *.sci3d and *.scp; in this case, if you want to clip, you can specify clipe regions by entering coordinates in the clipe regions box. If you do not enter clipe regions, no clipping will be performed. Click "Next";
  4. Select the published service type, such as REST-3d service, and click "Next";
  5. The service does not need to be configured. Click the "Publish" button to complete the publishing process;
  6. After publishing, you can see the name and link of the currently published service. Click it to access the service directly.
