Publishing Bing Maps Service


SuperMap iServer supports to publish online Bing Maps service to local map service, such as WMS service, WMTS service, RESTmap service. It also supports to cache the map tiles to local.

You can quickly publish Bing Maps service through the following steps:

  1. In iServer WebManager, click "Quickly publish services", and select Bing Maps Service as the data source:
  2. Configure the service data to publish. For example, select map set Aerial, map version v1. And input the the correct Bing Maps key. Click Next;
  3. Select the service type to publish, such as REST-map service. Click Next;
  4. Configure the cache. After enabling the cache, the tiles in browsing map are stored in a specified location, such as SMTiles formats. You can refer to Configure the map service component to use tiles or Configure map service component through XML file for more information about the configuration. Click Next;
  5. You can see the service configuration information, including data source, the published service type and so on. Click the Finish button;
  6. After finish publishing, you can see the name and link of this service, such as map-bingmap/rest. Click to access the service directly.