Configuring and managing iServer DataStore


Building distributed iServer DataStore

Prepare the environment for iServer DataStore on Windows

  1. Open the necessary ports: the default port of iServer DataStore is 8020, please modify the firewall configuration to make the port getting through.

  2. Make sure vcredist 2013 is installed on your Windows system. If not, please install it first. The iServer DataStore product package provides the installation files which locate at [iServer DataStore installation directory]\support\vcredist\vcredist_x64-2013.exe.

Prepare the environment for iServer DataStore on Linux

  1. Open the necessary ports: the default port of iServer DataStore is 8020, please modify the firewall configuration to make the port getting through.
  2. Install iServer DataStore on Ubuntu. But if you need to configure spatio-temporal data storage, you have to prepare the following environment before installing iServer DataStore.
  3. Set map_map_count, the maximun number of memory-mapped areas in the process. The default value is 65536, and it needs to be adjusted to at least 655360. Modify methods: switch to the root user, edit the sysctl.conf file:

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

Add the following configuration, save it and execute command: sysctl -p


*    soft      nofile      65536

*    hard     nofile      65536

*    soft      nproc      65536

*    hard     nproc      65536

*    soft     nproc   65536

*    hard     nproc    65536

  1. Installing iServer DataStore on all Linux systems has some requirements on the product destination directory and the operation user. The steps are as follows:

Configure to iServer

First, you start up iServer, and confirm your iServer has made initial configuration. Prepare multiple machines, and follow the guide to configure iServer DataStore at each machine:

  1. Unzip iServer DataStore

  2. Key in URL: http://{ip}:8020 at browser to visit iServer DataStore configure guide

  3. Specify GIS server URL. e.g., http://{ip}:8090

  4. Input iServer administrator username, password

  5. Specify content catalog for storing data, logs, backup files, etc. The default catalog is [iServer DataStore installation path]\data. Note: Currently, the path of iServer DataStore does not support Chinese and space characters.

  6. Select the data type you want to create. Currently it supports relation database and binary data file.

  7. The storage capability of binary data depends on MongoDB. You have to install MongoDB locally, Select to create binary data storage, and specify the local MongoDB installation path, such as D:\mongodb.

  8. Wait until configuration completes.

Using iServer DataStore

Data at iServer DataStore can be used for iServer distributed analysis service. In addition, operations on data storage can be provided as REST resources through iServer. Pleae see data catalog service.