Environment preparation before using iServer built-in Spark


After copy the SuperMap iServer package to the cluster member machine Then you can configure the environment before useing. If you are using the iServer package for Windows (only support 64 bit operating system), it only needs to open the port.

Recommended hardware requirements

The recommended hardware configuration for the iServer distributed analysis service includes:

Open Port

In order to work properly of the distributed cluster, Windows and Linux system need to modify the firewall configuration, and open the following port:

  1. iServer default port
  2. The default port used in Spark distributed cluster system:

Linux Package

If you are using Linux package, except the needed port, you need to modify the Linux host name. Here it takes three Ubuntu virtual machines as an example. The IP is




The following processes should be performed as root. You can switch the general user to root user through the following command:

sudo -i

Input the current user password.

Modify Machine Host Name

Open the hostname configuration file:

vi /etc/hostname

Modify the host name to sparkmaster. The host name in Worker node is modified to sparkworker1 and sparkworker2.

After save and ecit the editing, view the IP address through the following command:


Set the corresponding relationship between the host name and IP. Open the /etc/hosts file:

vi /etc/hosts

Add the following configuration:           sparkmaster           sparkworker1           sparkworker2

The hosts files in three nodes are the same. Save and exit the editing. Start the virtual machine again.

You can view whether the current host name is modified successfully throgh the following command:


View whether the relationship is correct between the host name and IP:

ping [hostname]

Possible use case:

ping sparkmaster

war Package

Please confirm whether the environment configuration of war package is correct. After the war deploy is success, you also need to configure the environment for distributed analysis services by performing the following operations on each platform:

Unzip support _win_x64.zip or support _linux_x64.tar.gz

1. Unzip the support decompression file and you can see the hadoop and spark folders.

2. Create a new support in the folder higher lever of iserver. Put the hadoop and spark folders in it.

Set Environment Variables

1. Add the HADOOP_HOME to the environment variable. It can be set to iServer built-in hadoop directory. And add the %HADOOP_HOME%\bin to the system PATH. (there is no need to set the hadoop environment variable on Linux)

2. Add the SPARK_HOME to the environment variable. It can be set to iServer built-in spark directory. And add the %SPARK_HOME%\bin to the system PATH.

3. Add the SPARK_SCALA_VERSION to the environment variable. The valus is 2.11.8.