iServer distributed analysis service provides GIS distributed analysis and processing capabilities based on Spark computing platform. It can access to geographic data based on distributed storage, such as the data stored in HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), the relational data stored in iServer DataStore and the point/line/region data stored in UDB. It provides powerful spatial analysis capabilities, such as map tiles outputting, analysis and management, distributed dynamic map outputting on big data. All features provide REST API for easy development and extending.
Before using the distributed anlysis service, you need to do the following preparations:
- Prepare the environment of distributed analysis service
- Prepare data
After preparing the analysis environment, you can use the following two ways to perform distributed analysis:
- Using via iServer REST API
- Using via iDesktop Cross
The resulting files has two output formats:
- If the current iServer already has an available iServer DataStore registered which configured the relational datasource, then the result datasource is preferentially stored in the relational database of the iSever Datastore; and the result datasets which named analystResult_* are also listed under the %datacatalog_uri%/relationship/datasets resource; and the result workspace is stored in the folder which named by the ID of the task in the %iServer_Home%/webapps\iserver\processingResultData\Analyst directory under the iServer product home directory.
- If the current iServer does not have any associated iServer DataStores, then the result datasource and workspace are stored in the folder named by the ID of the task in the %iServer_Home%/webapps/iserver/processingResultData/Analyst directory under the iServer product home directory.