Implementing the security information storage interface |
iServer provides a Storage interface to store and manage security information such as users, roles, and permissions. When implementing custom storage methods, you need to implement Storage as follows:
public class JsonStorage implements Storage { ... }
For the implementation of the use of json file to store security information, this example will achieve:
The corresponding methods include:
Functional category | Method | Description |
User | getUsers(int startIndex, int expectCount) getUser(String name) addUser(User toAdd) removeUsers(String[] names) alterUser(String name, User user) authenticate(String username, char[] password) |
Get, add, delete, modify the user, and input user account information. |
Role | getRole(String name) getRoles(String username, Set<String> groups) getRoles(int startIndex, int expectCount) addRole(Role toAdd) removeRoles(String[] names) alterRole(String name, Role role) containOne(String[] roles, String theRole) insertRole(String roleName, String description) getRolePermissions(String[] names) setRolePermissions(String roleName, RolePermissions permission, ServiceBeanPermission[] permissions) |
Get, add, delete, modify roles, insert role information in stored files, and get, set role authorization. |
Role group | getGroups(int startIndex, int expectCount) getGroups(String username) addUserGroup(UserGroup toAdd) removeUserGroups(String[] names) alterUserGroup(String name, UserGroup userGroup) insertGroups(String GroupName, String description) |
Get, add, delete, modify the user group, and input user group information. |
Authority | getPublicServiceNames() getPermission(String user, Collection<? extends String> groups, Collection<? extends String> roles, Set<String> resourceIds) getInstanceAuthorisations() updateInstanceAuthorisation(String name, AuthorizeSetting authorizeSetting) insert(ServiceBeanPermission[] permissions) |
Obtain the service list, obtain the authorization information of the user, obtain and update the authorization status of the service instance, and input the authority information. |
Other methods that need to be implemented are:
//Set the use of extended json storage method. @Override public void resetStorageSetting(SecurityInfoStorageSetting setting) { if (!(setting instanceof JsonStorageSetting)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only recieve JsonStorageSetting"); } this.init((JsonStorageSetting) setting); }
//Reads the storage location of the configuration, and initializes a json file for storing security information private void init(JsonStorageSetting setting) { String appFilePath = Tool.getApplicationPath(setting.outputDirectory); this.storageFile = new File(appFilePath, SECURITY_FILE_NAME); if (!this.storageFile.exists()) { if (!this.storageFile.getParentFile().exists()) { try { FileUtils.forceMkdirParent(this.storageFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("failed to make storage directory "); } } try { this.storageFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("failed to make storage file "); } this.addPredefinedRoles(); this.addPredefinedGroups(); } else { this.setMapContent(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void setMapContent() { try { String json = FileUtils.readFileToString(this.storageFile, UTF_8); Map<string, ?=""> statusMap = FastJSONUtils.parse(json, HashMap.class); if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_USERS)) { this.users = (Map<string, user="">) statusMap.get(TAG_USERS); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_ROLES)) { this.roles = (Map<string, role="">) statusMap.get(TAG_ROLES); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_USERGROUPS)) { this.userGroups = (Map<string, usergroup="">) statusMap.get(TAG_USERGROUPS); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_ROLEPERMISSIONS)) { this.rolePermissions = (Map<string, rolepermissions="">) statusMap.get(TAG_ROLEPERMISSIONS); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_AUTHORIZESETTING)) { this.authorizeSetting = (Map<string, authorizesetting="">) statusMap.get(TAG_AUTHORIZESETTING); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_SERVICEBEANPERMISSION)) { this.serviceBeanPermission = (Map<string, servicebeanpermission="">) statusMap.get(TAG_SERVICEBEANPERMISSION); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("JsonStorage init failed "); } }
//Make persistence for the state of the security information, including all users, roles, user groups and permissions to the storage file private void persistenceToFile() { Map<string, object=""> status = new HashMap<string, object="">(); status.put(TAG_USERS, users); status.put(TAG_ROLES, roles); status.put(TAG_USERGROUPS, userGroups); status.put(TAG_ROLEPERMISSIONS, rolePermissions); status.put(TAG_AUTHORIZESETTING, authorizeSetting); status.put(TAG_SERVICEBEANPERMISSION, serviceBeanPermission); String jsonStatus = FastJSONUtils.toFastJson(status); jsonStatus = jsonFormat(jsonStatus); try { FileUtils.write(this.storageFile, jsonStatus, UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("fail to persistence to " + this.storageFile.getAbsolutePath()); } }
//batch query. private QueryResult batchGet(int startIndex, int expectCount, List list) { int actualCount = expectCount; int size = list.size(); if (expectCount > size - startIndex || expectCount == 0) { actualCount = size - startIndex; } List founds = new ArrayList (); if (startIndex <= size)="" {="" int="" index="startIndex;" findcount="0;" while="" (findcount="" <="" actualcount)="" founds.add(list.get(index));="" index++;="" findcount++;="" }="" queryresult<t=""> queryResult = new QueryResult (); queryResult.records = founds; queryResult.totalCount = size; return queryResult; }
//Parse the role authorization information to convert it to a storeable string. private static class ResolvingRolePermission { List<string> allowedCom = new LinkedList<string>(); List<string> deniedCom = new LinkedList<string>(); List<string> allowedService = new LinkedList<string>(); List<string> deniedService = new LinkedList<string>(); boolean isPublisher = false; public RolePermissions toRolePermission() { RolePermissions result = new RolePermissions(); result.publishEnabled = isPublisher; result.componentManagerPermissions = new MixedPermissions(); result.componentManagerPermissions.denied = toArray(deniedCom); result.componentManagerPermissions.permitted = toArray(allowedCom); result.instanceAccessPermissions = new MixedPermissions(); result.instanceAccessPermissions.denied = toArray(deniedService); result.instanceAccessPermissions.permitted = toArray(allowedService); return result; } void add(int resourceType, String resourceName, int perm) { List<string> list = null; switch (resourceType) { case RESOURCE_TYPE_PUBLISH: { isPublisher = true; break; } case RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT: { list = isAllowManageComponent(perm) ? allowedCom : deniedCom; break; } case RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE: { list = isAllowAccessService(perm) ? allowedService : deniedService; break; } } if (list != null) { list.add(resourceName); } } } private static String[] toArray(List<string> list) { return list.isEmpty() ? ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY : list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); }
The complete extended sample class is as follows:
package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.PasswordService; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import com.supermap.server.config.JsonStorageSetting; import com.supermap.server.config.SecurityInfoStorageSetting; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class JsonStorage implements Storage { private static final String SECURITY_FILE_NAME = "security.json"; private static final String UTF_8 = "utf-8"; private static final String TAG_USERS = "users"; private static final String TAG_ROLES = "roles"; private static final String TAG_USERGROUPS = "userGroups"; private static final String TAG_ROLEPERMISSIONS = "rolePermissions"; private static final String TAG_AUTHORIZESETTING = "authorizeSetting"; private static final String TAG_SERVICEBEANPERMISSION = "serviceBeanPermission"; private File storageFile; private Map<String, Role> roles = new HashMap<String, Role>(); private Map<String, User> users = new HashMap<String, User>(); private Map<String, UserGroup> userGroups = new HashMap<String, UserGroup>(); private Map<String, RolePermissions> rolePermissions = new HashMap<String, RolePermissions>(); private Map<String, ServiceBeanPermission> serviceBeanPermission = new HashMap<String, ServiceBeanPermission>(); private Map<String, AuthorizeSetting> authorizeSetting = new HashMap<String, AuthorizeSetting>(); private Set<String> publicServiceNames = Collections.emptySet(); private PasswordService passwordService; private static TypedResourceManager<SecurityManageResource> resource = new TypedResourceManager<SecurityManageResource>(SecurityManageResource.class); private static final Collection<String> PUBLISHER_PERMISSIONS = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split( "interface:*,instance:*,component:*,componentset:*,provider:*,providerset:*,publish", ','))); //Set using the extended json storage method. @Override public void resetStorageSetting(SecurityInfoStorageSetting setting) { if (!(setting instanceof JsonStorageSetting)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only recieve JsonStorageSetting"); } this.init((JsonStorageSetting) setting); } //Read the storage location of the configuration, and initialize a json file for storing security information. private void init(JsonStorageSetting setting) { String appFilePath = Tool.getApplicationPath(setting.outputDirectory); this.storageFile = new File(appFilePath, SECURITY_FILE_NAME); if (!this.storageFile.exists()) { if (!this.storageFile.getParentFile().exists()) { try { FileUtils.forceMkdirParent(this.storageFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("failed to make storage directory "); } } try { this.storageFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("failed to make storage file "); } this.addPredefinedRoles(); this.addPredefinedGroups(); } else { this.setMapContent(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void setMapContent() { try { String json = FileUtils.readFileToString(this.storageFile, UTF_8); Map<String, ?> statusMap = FastJSONUtils.parse(json, HashMap.class); if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_USERS)) { this.users = (Map<String, User>) statusMap.get(TAG_USERS); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_ROLES)) { this.roles = (Map<String, Role>) statusMap.get(TAG_ROLES); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_USERGROUPS)) { this.userGroups = (Map<String, UserGroup>) statusMap.get(TAG_USERGROUPS); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_ROLEPERMISSIONS)) { this.rolePermissions = (Map<String, RolePermissions>) statusMap.get(TAG_ROLEPERMISSIONS); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_AUTHORIZESETTING)) { this.authorizeSetting = (Map<String, AuthorizeSetting>) statusMap.get(TAG_AUTHORIZESETTING); } if (statusMap.containsKey(TAG_SERVICEBEANPERMISSION)) { this.serviceBeanPermission = (Map<String, ServiceBeanPermission>) statusMap.get(TAG_SERVICEBEANPERMISSION); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("JsonStorage init failed "); } } //Add predefined role, including "SYSTEM,ADMIN,PORTAL_USER,PUBLISHER". private void addPredefinedRoles() { insertRole(SecurityConstants.ROLE_SYSTEM, StringUtils.EMPTY); insertRole(SecurityConstants.ROLE_ADMIN, resource.message(ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN)); if (ProductTypeUtil.isPortal()) { insertRole(SecurityConstants.ROLE_PORTAL_USER, resource.message(ROLE_DESCRIPTION_PORTAL_USER)); } insertRole(SecurityConstants.ROLE_PUBLISHER, resource.message(ROLE_DESCRIPTION_PUBLISHER)); this.persistenceToFile(); } //Add predefined user group. private void addPredefinedGroups() { insertGroups(SecurityConstants.GROUP_THIRD_PART_AUTHORIZED, StringUtils.EMPTY); insertGroups(SecurityConstants.GROUP_LDAP_AUTHORIZED, StringUtils.EMPTY); this.persistenceToFile(); } //Make persistence for the state of the security information, including all users, roles, user groups and permissions to the storage file. private void persistenceToFile() { Map<String, Object> status = new HashMap<String, Object>(); status.put(TAG_USERS, users); status.put(TAG_ROLES, roles); status.put(TAG_USERGROUPS, userGroups); status.put(TAG_ROLEPERMISSIONS, rolePermissions); status.put(TAG_AUTHORIZESETTING, authorizeSetting); status.put(TAG_SERVICEBEANPERMISSION, serviceBeanPermission); String jsonStatus = FastJSONUtils.toFastJson(status); jsonStatus = jsonFormat(jsonStatus); try { FileUtils.write(this.storageFile, jsonStatus, UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("fail to persistence to " + this.storageFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } //Format JSON. private String jsonFormat(String jsonStatus) { try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonStatus); return jsonObject.toString(4); } catch (JSONException e1) { // will not execute here return ""; } } //Add role. private void insertRole(String roleName, String description) { Role role = new Role(); = roleName; role.description = description; this.roles.put(roleName, role); } //Add user group. private void insertGroups(String GroupName, String description) { UserGroup userGroup = new UserGroup(); = GroupName; userGroup.description = description; this.userGroups.put(GroupName, userGroup); } //Retrieve user lists based on roles. @Override public QueryResult<User> getUsers(int startIndex, int expectCount) { ArrayList<User> userList = new ArrayList<User>(); List<String> ownRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (User user : this.users.values()) { user.ownRoles = ownRoles.toArray(new String[ownRoles.size()]); userList.add(user); } return batchGet(startIndex, expectCount, userList); } //Get individual users based on user name. @Override public User getUser(String name) { return this.users.get(name); } //Add a role. @Override public void addUser(User toAdd) { if (this.users.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("user " + + " exists yet"); } this.users.put(, toAdd); for (Role role : this.roles.values()) { boolean containRoleInUser = containOne(toAdd.roles,; boolean containUserInRole = containOne(role.users,; if (containRoleInUser && !containUserInRole) { // The current user is associated with a new role. role.users = ArrayUtils.add(role.users,; } } for (UserGroup userGroup : this.userGroups.values()) { String userGroupName =; boolean containUserInUserGroup = containOne(userGroup.users,; boolean containUserGroupInUser = containOne(toAdd.userGroups, userGroupName); if (!containUserInUserGroup && containUserGroupInUser) { // The current user is associated with a new user group. userGroup.users = ArrayUtils.add(userGroup.users,; } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Delete users in batch. @Override public void removeUsers(String[] names) { for (String name : names) { User user = this.users.get(name); this.users.remove(name); for (Role role : this.roles.values()) { boolean containUserInRole = containOne(role.users,; if (containUserInRole) { // The current user has unlinked a role. role.users = ArrayUtils.removeElement(role.users,; } } for (UserGroup userGroup : this.userGroups.values()) { boolean containUserInGroup = containOne(userGroup.users,; if (containUserInGroup) { // The current user has unlinked a user group. userGroup.users = ArrayUtils.removeElement(userGroup.users,; } } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Modify user information, including increasing / decreasing the associated roles, increasing / decreasing associated user groups. @Override public void alterUser(String name, User user) { this.users.put(name, user); for (Role role : this.roles.values()) { boolean containRoleInUser = containOne(user.roles,; boolean containUserInRole = containOne(role.users,; if (containRoleInUser && !containUserInRole) { // The current user is associated with a new role. role.users = ArrayUtils.add(role.users,; } else if (!containRoleInUser && containUserInRole) { // The current user has unlinked a role. role.users = ArrayUtils.removeElement(role.users,; } } for (UserGroup userGroup : this.userGroups.values()) { String userGroupName =; boolean containRoleInUser = containOne(userGroup.users,; boolean containUserInRole = containOne(user.userGroups, userGroupName); if (containRoleInUser && !containUserInRole) { // The current user has unlinked a role group. userGroup.users = ArrayUtils.removeElement(userGroup.users,; } else if (!containRoleInUser && containUserInRole) { // The current user is associated with a new user group. userGroup.roles = ArrayUtils.add(userGroup.users, userGroupName); } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Add user group and associated role information. @Override public void addUserGroup(UserGroup toAdd) { if (this.userGroups.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("userGroups " + + " exists yet"); } this.userGroups.put(, toAdd); for (Role role : this.roles.values()) { boolean containRoleInGroup = containOne(toAdd.roles,; boolean containGroupInRole = containOne(role.userGroups,; if (containRoleInGroup && !containGroupInRole) { // The current user is associated with a new role. role.userGroups = ArrayUtils.add(role.userGroups,; } } for (User user : this.users.values()) { boolean containUserInGroup = containOne(toAdd.users,; boolean containGroupInUser = containOne(user.userGroups,; if (containUserInGroup && !containGroupInUser) { // The current user group is associated with a new user. user.userGroups = ArrayUtils.add(user.userGroups,; } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Modify user group information, including increasing / decreasing the associated roles, increasing / decreasing associated user groups. @Override public void alterUserGroup(String name, UserGroup userGroup) { this.userGroups.put(name, userGroup); for (User user : this.users.values()) { String userName =; boolean containGroupInUser = containOne(user.userGroups,; boolean containUserInGroup = containOne(userGroup.users, userName); if (containGroupInUser && !containUserInGroup) { // The current user group has unlinked a role. user.userGroups = ArrayUtils.removeElement(user.userGroups,; } else if (!containGroupInUser && containUserInGroup) { // The current user is associated with a new user. user.userGroups = ArrayUtils.add(user.userGroups,; } } for (Role role : this.roles.values()) { String roleName =; boolean containGroupInRole = containOne(role.userGroups,; boolean containRoleInGroup = containOne(userGroup.roles, roleName); if (containGroupInRole && !containRoleInGroup) { // The current user group is associated with a new role. role.userGroups = ArrayUtils.removeElement(role.userGroups,; } else if (!containGroupInRole && containRoleInGroup) { // The current user group is unlinked with a new role. role.userGroups = ArrayUtils.add(role.userGroups,; } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Delete the user group. @Override public void removeUserGroups(String[] names) { for (String name : names) { UserGroup userGroup = this.userGroups.get(name); this.userGroups.remove(name); for (Role role : this.roles.values()) { boolean containRoleInGroup = containOne(role.userGroups,; if (containRoleInGroup) { // The current user group is unlinked with a new role. role.userGroups = ArrayUtils.removeElement(role.userGroups,; } } for (User user : this.users.values()) { boolean containUserInGroup = containOne(user.userGroups,; if (containUserInGroup) { // The current user group is unlinked with a new user. user.userGroups = ArrayUtils.removeElement(user.userGroups,; } } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Get user group. @Override public QueryResult<UserGroup> getGroups(int startIndex, int expectCount) { ArrayList<UserGroup> userGroupList = new ArrayList<UserGroup>(); for (UserGroup userGroup : this.userGroups.values()) { userGroupList.add(userGroup); } return this.batchGet(startIndex, expectCount, userGroupList); } //Add role. @Override public void addRole(Role toAdd) { if (this.roles.containsKey( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("roles" + + " exists yet"); } this.roles.put(, toAdd); for (User user : this.users.values()) { boolean containUserInRole = containOne(toAdd.users,; boolean containRoleInUser = containOne(user.roles,; if (containUserInRole && !containRoleInUser) { // The current role is associated with a new user. user.roles = ArrayUtils.add(user.roles,; } } for (UserGroup userGroup : this.userGroups.values()) { String userGroupName =; boolean containGroupInRole = containOne(toAdd.userGroups, userGroupName); boolean containRoleInGroup = containOne(userGroup.roles,; if (containGroupInRole && !containRoleInGroup) { // The current role is associated with a new user group. userGroup.roles = ArrayUtils.add(userGroup.roles,; } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Modify roles. @Override public void alterRole(String name, Role role) { this.roles.put(name, role); String roleName =; // Modify the associated user information for (User user : this.users.values()) { String userName =; boolean containRoleInUser = containOne(user.roles, roleName); boolean containUserInRole = containOne(role.users, userName); if (containRoleInUser && !containUserInRole) { // The current role has unlinked a user. user.roles = ArrayUtils.removeElement(user.roles, roleName); } else if (!containRoleInUser && containUserInRole) { // The current role is associated with a new user. user.roles = ArrayUtils.add(user.roles, roleName); } } for (UserGroup userGroup : this.userGroups.values()) { String userGroupName =; boolean containRoleInUser = containOne(userGroup.roles, roleName); boolean containUserInRole = containOne(role.userGroups, userGroupName); if (containRoleInUser && !containUserInRole) { // The current user has unlinked a role group. userGroup.roles = ArrayUtils.removeElement(userGroup.roles, roleName); } else if (!containRoleInUser && containUserInRole) { // The current role is associated with a new user group. userGroup.roles = ArrayUtils.add(userGroup.roles, roleName); } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Delete roles in batch. @Override public void removeRoles(String[] names) { for (String name : names) { Role role = this.roles.get(name); this.roles.remove(name); for (User user : this.users.values()) { boolean containRoleInUser = containOne(user.roles,; if (containRoleInUser) { // The current role has unlinked a user. user.roles = ArrayUtils.removeElement(user.roles,; } } for (UserGroup userGroup : this.userGroups.values()) { boolean containRoleInGroup= containOne(userGroup.roles,; if (containRoleInGroup) { //The current role has unlinked a user group. userGroup.roles = ArrayUtils.removeElement(userGroup.roles,; } } } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Get a role by the role name. @Override public Role getRole(String name) { return this.roles.get(name); } //Get the user group list. @Override public Set<String> getGroups(String username) { Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) { User user = this.users.get(username); if (user != null && !ArrayUtils.isEmpty(user.userGroups)) { result.addAll(Lists.asList(null, user.userGroups)); } } return result; } //Get the role list associated with a user name. @Override public Set<String> getRoles(String username, Set<String> groups) { Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) { User user = this.users.get(username); if (user != null && !ArrayUtils.isEmpty(user.roles)) { result.addAll(Lists.asList(null, user.roles)); } } if (groups != null && !groups.isEmpty()) { for (String groupName : groups) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(groupName)) { continue; } UserGroup ug = this.userGroups.get(groupName); if (ug != null && !ArrayUtils.isEmpty(ug.roles)) { result.addAll(Lists.asList(null, ug.roles)); } } } return result; } //Gets the list of roles based on the number of indexes and quantities. @Override public QueryResult<Role> getRoles(int startIndex, int expectCount) { ArrayList<Role> roleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); for (Role role : this.roles.values()) { roleList.add(role); } return this.batchGet(startIndex, expectCount, roleList); } //Gets all the list of services that are published. @Override public Set<String> getPublicServiceNames() { return publicServiceNames; } //Set permissions for roles. @Override public void setRolePermissions(String roleName, RolePermissions permission, ServiceBeanPermission[] permissions) { if (permission == null) { return; } final Set<ServiceBeanPermission> records = new LinkedHashSet<ServiceBeanPermission>(); if (permission.publishEnabled) { records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().publish().role(roleName)); records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().allowViewAllInterface().role(roleName)); } MixedPermissions mngPermission = permission.componentManagerPermissions; if (mngPermission != null) { if (mngPermission.permitted != null) { for (String com : mngPermission.permitted) { records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().allowComponent(com).role(roleName)); } } if (mngPermission.denied != null) { for (String com : mngPermission.denied) { records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().denyComponent(com).role(roleName)); } } } final List<String> deniedServices = new ArrayList<String>(); MixedPermissions accessPermission = permission.instanceAccessPermissions; if (accessPermission != null) { if (accessPermission.permitted != null) { for (String service : accessPermission.permitted) { records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().allowAccessService(service).role(roleName)); } } if (accessPermission.denied != null) { for (String service : accessPermission.denied) { records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().denyAccessService(service).role(roleName)); deniedServices.add(service); } } } if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(permissions)) { records.addAll(Arrays.asList(permissions)); } for (ServiceBeanPermission serbeanPermission : records) { this.serviceBeanPermission.put(serbeanPermission.principal, serbeanPermission); } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Get the permissions of a user. @Override public Set<String> getPermission(String user, Collection<? extends String> groups, Collection<? extends String> roles, Set<String> resourceIds) { Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); int initialCapacity = 1; initialCapacity += groups == null ? 0 : groups.size(); initialCapacity += roles == null ? 0 : roles.size(); final Set<String> principals = new LinkedHashSet<String>(initialCapacity); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(user)) { principals.add(USER + user); } add(principals, groups, GROUP); add(principals, roles, ROLE); if (principals.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } final boolean isPublisher = principals.remove("ROLE^PUBLISHER"); if (isPublisher) { result.addAll(PUBLISHER_PERMISSIONS); } else { for (String principal : principals) { ServiceBeanPermission sp = this.serviceBeanPermission.get(principal); if (sp == null) { continue; } result.add(sp.shiroPermission); } } return result; } //Get the permissions of a role. @Override public Map<String, RolePermissions> getRolePermissions(String[] names) { if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(names)) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } String[] roles = new String[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) { roles[i] = ROLE + names[i]; } List<ServiceBeanPermission> sqlResult = new ArrayList<ServiceBeanPermission>(); for (ServiceBeanPermission serviceBeanPer : this.serviceBeanPermission.values()) { int[] a = new int[] { RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT, RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE, RESOURCE_TYPE_PUBLISH }; if (ArrayUtils.contains(roles, serviceBeanPer) && serviceBeanPer.principaltype == 2 && ArrayUtils.contains(a, serviceBeanPer.resourcetype)) { sqlResult.add(serviceBeanPer); } } Map<String, ResolvingRolePermission> resolvingResult = new HashMap<String, ResolvingRolePermission>(); for (ServiceBeanPermission serviceBean : sqlResult) { if (!StringUtils.startsWith(serviceBean.principal, ROLE)) { continue; } String roleName = serviceBean.principal.substring(ROLE.length()); ResolvingRolePermission rolePermission = resolvingResult.get(roleName); if (rolePermission == null) { rolePermission = new ResolvingRolePermission(); resolvingResult.put(roleName, rolePermission); } rolePermission.add(serviceBean.resourcetype, serviceBean.resource, serviceBean.permission); } final Map<String, RolePermissions> result = new HashMap<String, RolePermissions>(); IterableUtil.iterate(resolvingResult.entrySet(), new IterableUtil.Visitor<Entry<String, ResolvingRolePermission>>() { @Override public boolean visit(Entry<String, ResolvingRolePermission> element) { result.put(element.getKey(), element.getValue().toRolePermission()); return false; } }); return result; } //Update the authorization information of a service instance. @Override public void updateInstanceAuthorisation(String name, AuthorizeSetting authorizeSetting) { final Set<ServiceBeanPermission> records = new LinkedHashSet<ServiceBeanPermission>(); if (AuthorizeType.PUBLIC.equals(authorizeSetting.type)) { records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().role(SecurityConstants.ROLE_EVERYONE).allowAccessService(name)); } else if (AuthorizeType.AUTHENTICATED.equals(authorizeSetting.type)) { records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().role(SecurityConstants.ROLE_USER).allowAccessService(name)); } if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(authorizeSetting.deniedRoles)) { for (String role : authorizeSetting.deniedRoles) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(role)) { continue; } records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().role(role).denyAccessService(name)); } } if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(authorizeSetting.permittedRoles)) { for (String role : authorizeSetting.permittedRoles) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(role)) { continue; } records.add(new ServiceBeanPermission().role(role).allowAccessService(name)); } } int[] a = new int[] {RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE}; for (ServiceBeanPermission serviceBeanPer : this.serviceBeanPermission.values()) { if (ArrayUtils.contains(a, serviceBeanPer.resourcetype)&&serviceBeanPer.resource.equals(name)) { this.serviceBeanPermission.remove(serviceBeanPer.principal); } } for (ServiceBeanPermission record : records) { this.serviceBeanPermission.put(record.principal, record); } this.persistenceToFile(); } //Obtain authorization information for service instances. @Override public Map<String, AuthorizeSetting> getInstanceAuthorisations() { int[] a = new int[] {RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE}; List<ServiceBeanPermission> serviceBeanResults = new ArrayList<ServiceBeanPermission>(); for (ServiceBeanPermission serviceBeanPer : this.serviceBeanPermission.values()) { if (ArrayUtils.contains(a, serviceBeanPer.resourcetype)) { serviceBeanResults.add(serviceBeanPer); } } Map<String, QueryingAuthorizeSetting> querying = new HashMap<String, QueryingAuthorizeSetting>(); for (ServiceBeanPermission serviceBean : serviceBeanResults) { String instanceName = serviceBean.resource; QueryingAuthorizeSetting setting = querying.get(instanceName); if (setting == null) { setting = new QueryingAuthorizeSetting(); querying.put(instanceName, setting); } int permission = serviceBean.permission; String role = serviceBean.principal; if (isAllowAccessService(permission)) { setting.allowedRole(role); } else { setting.deniedRole(role); } } if (querying.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map<String, AuthorizeSetting> result = new HashMap<String, AuthorizeSetting>(querying.size()); Iterator<Entry<String, QueryingAuthorizeSetting>> it = querying.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, QueryingAuthorizeSetting> entry =; result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toAuthorizeSetting()); } return result; } @Override public void grantUser(String username, RolePermissions permission) { } //Add a permission message. @Override public void insert(ServiceBeanPermission[] permissions) { if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(permissions)) { return; } for (ServiceBeanPermission permission : permissions) { this.serviceBeanPermission.put(permission.principal, permission); } this.persistenceToFile(); } @Override public void setPasswordService(PasswordService value) { this.passwordService = value; } //Store the user's account information. @Override public AuthenticateUsernamePasswordResult authenticate(String username, char[] password) { User user = this.getUser(username); AuthenticateUsernamePasswordResult result = new AuthenticateUsernamePasswordResult(); if (user != null) { result.type = this.passwordService.passwordsMatch(password, user.password) ? AuthenticateUsernamePasswordResultType.VALIED : AuthenticateUsernamePasswordResultType.INVALID; } return result; } private void add(Set<String> toAddIn, Collection<? extends String> toAdd, String prefix) { if (toAdd == null || toAdd.isEmpty()) { return; } for (String str : toAdd) { toAddIn.add(prefix + str); } } //Query whether there is a role. private boolean containOne(String[] roles, String theRole) { if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(roles)) { return false; } return ArrayUtils.contains(roles, theRole); } //Batch query. private <T> QueryResult<T> batchGet(int startIndex, int expectCount, List<T> list) { int actualCount = expectCount; int size = list.size(); if (expectCount > size - startIndex || expectCount == 0) { actualCount = size - startIndex; } List<T> founds = new ArrayList<T>(); if (startIndex <= size) { int index = startIndex; int findCount = 0; while (findCount < actualCount) { founds.add(list.get(index)); index++; findCount++; } } QueryResult<T> queryResult = new QueryResult<T>(); queryResult.records = founds; queryResult.totalCount = size; return queryResult; } //Parse the role authorization information to convert it to a storeable string. private static class ResolvingRolePermission { List<String> allowedCom = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> deniedCom = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> allowedService = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> deniedService = new LinkedList<String>(); boolean isPublisher = false; public RolePermissions toRolePermission() { RolePermissions result = new RolePermissions(); result.publishEnabled = isPublisher; result.componentManagerPermissions = new MixedPermissions(); result.componentManagerPermissions.denied = toArray(deniedCom); result.componentManagerPermissions.permitted = toArray(allowedCom); result.instanceAccessPermissions = new MixedPermissions(); result.instanceAccessPermissions.denied = toArray(deniedService); result.instanceAccessPermissions.permitted = toArray(allowedService); return result; } void add(int resourceType, String resourceName, int perm) { List<String> list = null; switch (resourceType) { case RESOURCE_TYPE_PUBLISH: { isPublisher = true; break; } case RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT: { list = isAllowManageComponent(perm) ? allowedCom : deniedCom; break; } case RESOURCE_TYPE_SERVICE: { list = isAllowAccessService(perm) ? allowedService : deniedService; break; } } if (list != null) { list.add(resourceName); } } } private static String[] toArray(List<String> list) { return list.isEmpty() ? ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY : list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } static class QueryingAuthorizeSetting { AuthorizeType type; Set<String> deniedRoles = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); Set<String> allowedRoles = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); QueryingAuthorizeSetting allowedRole(String value) { String role = value.substring(ROLE.length()); if (type == null && SecurityConstants.ROLE_USER.equals(role)) { type = AuthorizeType.AUTHENTICATED; } else if (SecurityConstants.ROLE_EVERYONE.equals(role)) { type = AuthorizeType.PUBLIC; } else { allowedRoles.add(role); } return this; } QueryingAuthorizeSetting deniedRole(String value) { deniedRoles.add(value.substring(ROLE.length())); return this; } AuthorizeSetting toAuthorizeSetting() { AuthorizeSetting result = new AuthorizeSetting(); result.type = type == null ? AuthorizeType.PRIVATE : type; result.deniedRoles = deniedRoles.toArray(new String[deniedRoles.size()]); result.permittedRoles = allowedRoles.toArray(new String[allowedRoles.size()]); return result; } } @Override public void removeInstances(String[] names) { } @Override public void renameInstance(String oldName, String newName) { } @Override public void setFormPasswordSavedCount(int passwordDiffCount) { } @Override public void dispose() { } }