WPS 1.0.0 |
WPS 1.0.0 defines GetCapabilities, DescribeProcess, Execute three operations, all of which are required:
WPS operations can be called by submitting a request through a standard web browser using a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), and the content organization of the URL depends on the requested operation.
Request WPS service, the parameters to be passed are included in the URL in the form of parameter name=parameter value. For example, the address of a WPS service is: http://server/services/wps. When executing the GetCapabilities operation, the required parameters are SERVER and REQUEST, with values of WPS and GetCapabilities, respectively. The complete URL is: http://server/services/wps?SERVICE=WPS& Request=GetCapacities. Parameter names are not case sensitive, and the order of parameters can be arranged in any order. The values of parameters are case sensitive, but for fault tolerance reasons, the service also ignores case for some parameter values. URLs should be encoded according to W3C standards.